Stock Stability w/ Striker and E6850?


Limp Gawd
Sep 6, 2007
I've been wrestling with a striker and E6850 for months. Have read dozens of striker OC threads, and many of you here and elsewhere have been very helpful - thanks for that. But I'm near wits end on this board. I cannot get truly stable at stock speeds on this setup. Rather than list out every permutation of frequency and voltage settings, bios releases, memory configs, and crossed fingers and toes, let me ask this - for those of you who have setup striker/E6850 systems, was there any magic to getting it to run stock speeds?

See my sig for the components I have. I thought for sure that I had it licked finally this weekend, with 8 hrs Prime stable (maxxing out at 51 degrees core temp), but real world apps (e.g., Diablo 2 and Hellgate) are locking up within 30 mins. Does this symptom lead you to believe that there are s/w or driver problems outside of the board setup?
just a quick update - I RMA'd the board back to ASUS.
We'll see what comes back :rolleyes:
I also picked up an open box P5K-E for $99... just in case the refurb striker is a POS.