

Sep 29, 2004
Hello all. I know some of you guys who visit multiple forums have seen this log all ready, but I thought I would share it with other forums and fellow modders now that it is almost complete. It's been two years of blood sweat and tears but I'm pretty proud of the nearly finished results and I thought I might share it with a few of the other case modding forums. The idea is based on the sword Stormbringer from the fantasy books written by Michael Moorcock. The custom made frame is wood that has been epoxy coated, then painted to achieve the final results. Here are some of the near finished pics:





So far I have designed and completed the hundreds of pieces on the project myself with the exception of the cool grills that Bonzageo donated to the project and some lighting electronics that haven't been installed yet. I also have to give credit to the many helpful tips and suggestions that came from my home modding site at Gruntville. Without their friendship and advice the project would have never reached this point.


I still have the lighting and electrical works to go to finish the project and some side artwork that I am still working on but the case is mostly complete.
I won't flood the forums on my first outing with the worklog but if it is all right with the forum admins then I will post a link to the full worklog that can be found here. Being two years in the making it's a fairly lengthy project log. I'll post some follow up pics when I get the lighting in and the project totally done. All comments and questions are most welcome. Sincerely, Hobbes
Very nicely done! A lot of hard work was put into that and it shows! Beautiful Mod. My hat's off to you.
This is on of the most precise mods I´ve ever seen ... I want to have as much determination as you to build something as big as this ... wow ... wow ...
A serious amount of detail on that case... I gotta say, if I were a pimp, that is the case I would want.
I would like to say thanks for all the kind words. I know that the mod won't appeal to everyone out there and I think thats what makes our community so cool, but it is what I wanted for myself. It was designed to be a challenge to my artistic skills as well as a dedication to my enjoyment of Moorcocks books. It was indeed a labor of love for the most part, except possibly when I cut the end of my thumb off in a nasty accident early on. But what the hell huh, I still have one good thumb and most of that one :cool: I do sincerely appreciate the feedback and I will answer any specific questions for those of you who are interested. The case is currently enroute to the CES event for January and I will be starting work on finishing it up as soon as it returns. Of course, here's to hoping that it survives the shipping and doesn't cause me the grief Mashie had to go thru with the Y2K bug :( I still have uneasy feelings of letting the case out of my sight...
The case is far, far too busy for my taste, but God damn you have some mad skills. Great work!
Skier said:
The case is far, far too busy for my taste, but God damn you have some mad skills. Great work!
Thanks Bro! I have to say that in the pics it looks very busy but what I was aiming at was the in person effect. I wanted soo many details that a person viewing it at a LAN could always manage to see something new in the detailing. Like an ancient building with all the fancy trims, arches, and carvings. It is unfortunately very hard to capture the detailing like that in a few 2D pics from several feet away. In person I think the case achieves what I was aiming for. You may not walk away thinking you would want the case but it will certainly catch your attention for a few minutes ;)
Crust on a cracker! Amazing work!

BTW, props for a fan of The Elric Saga. I have the first two collection books (first 6 books alltogether I believe, Elric of Melnibone to Stormbringer). Man that was one heck of a book series. I remember back when there were plans for an Elric game, and it just didnt happen.

Keep up the good work man!