Strange 158.19 driver issue in XP

Astral Abyss

Jun 15, 2004
For some reason when I install the 158.19 drivers in XP SP2 my Manage 3D settings in the Nvidia Control Panel is giving me SLI options when it shouldn't be... I don't have SLI.

Now, I'd be willing to just ignore it, but when playing World of Warcraft, it hitches and studders horribly just like it did when I tried running SLI on my 7950GX2. So, I'd really like to know what the hell these new drivers are trying to do on my computer.

Just to be sure I uninstalled the video driver and Ntune, rebooted into safe mode and ran Driver Cleaner. I then reinstalled the 158.19 drivers, but it still acts strangely.

Anyone else encountered this? I guess I'll just stick with the 97.92 / 97.94 driver until I figure this out.
your old drivers arnt fully uninstalling ,parts are being left behind causing the issue at hand my friend..Happend when i first installed my 8600GTS after having 93.71driver installed before my 158.19... use driver cleaner then reinstall ...or uninstall 158.19 and reinstall right after reboot1 i have XpX64 editionSp2 ....,Some people have had to reinstall Os to fix it...

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