strange 360 issue


Supreme [H]ardness
Oct 30, 2003
I had a 360 that was RROD sitting on my shelf. I ended up buying a new one, swapping the HDD to it, and giving the RROD console to my cousin. He fixed it, bought a HDD on ebay, and has been playing fine for a couple of weeks. Only problem is we cant seem to join each others party or games. I send him an invite and he looks like it is loading the game,t hen it stops. Happens the same no matter who is inviting who. we can both join a public match on Live so I dont think its a router issue. any ideas? could there be any issues with the fact that I have used both consoles?
no, if he has his own Live ID, which obviously he does than its not an issue like this.
Do you guys have the same ISP? In particular cable providers? I know when my friend and I both had Charter, and lived in the same neighborhood, we had a similar issue with PC Games (including when the proper ports were open). We could join public games, but could not join if one of us hosted. I believe it was part of the security the cable provider enabled.
When one of us moved off of Charter, and later both of us, never had the issue since.
NAT has to be set to open, else some ports are going to conflict and you will not be able to communicate, party or play. Rare, but it happens.