Strange Brigade


Fully [H]
Jun 7, 2008

This game looks pretty awesome comes out end of this month looks like a Dark Souls or Left for Dead 3rd person type of game except with some weird guns and characters.

I'm looking forward to it. It looks like it will be similar to Nazi Zombie Army, which I loved.

This game looks pretty awesome comes out end of this month looks like a Dark Souls or Left for Dead 3rd person type of game except with some weird guns and characters.

Love your posts but umm...Dark Souls? Not seeing it lol :D
Rebellion has made some fantastic titles like the Sniper Elite series, which plays just as well co-op as it does solo! The Nazi Zombie Army title is a bit older now but probably one of the best co-op shooters of its type (ie the Left4Dead mold) and Strange Brigade looks to take what was great about it a step further! I'm digging the 1920s/1930s "mysterious archaeology" setting as well - I've always been partial to the late 1800s to early 1900s settings for a wide variety of media and it seems to be used well here.

hope they really have something set up for the main villain in terms of depth/story, and to make sure it is not exclusively Egyptian when there are SO many different cultures and locations to explore. According to the latest videos and notes regarding post-launch and season pass content, this seems to be taken into account! Overall, looks pretty fun and I'm just getting of an Assassin's Creed Origins kick, so I'm more than ready for some more mystical alternate history!
I mostly play ARPG games but used to play L4D quite a bit, but never played Zombie Army or any Sniper Elite.

I've gone and watched all the SB game play videos I could find, which I have not done for a game in a long while.

I am going to try to resist getting in on it day one but I do think I will pick it up at some point.
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For those interested in purchase, GMG has a pretty great deal. Its up to 24% IF you use the voucher in the VIP area, available to those who are logged in! It adds an additional 15% discount on top of the standard discounted price normally listed which comes to 24% according to their email. This is available on both the standard and Deluxe edition!
This looks like a great game but I don't think it will be as popular as recent hits like veminitide.
Thanks for the heads up on the additional discount at GMG RanceJustice. I am taking the plunge on this.

I was reading the discussions on Steam and a lot of people are complaining about price, so the player base may not be very high initially.

Something is drawing me to this game so I am going to give it a whirl.
For those interested in purchase, GMG has a pretty great deal. Its up to 24% IF you use the voucher in the VIP area, available to those who are logged in! It adds an additional 15% discount on top of the standard discounted price normally listed which comes to 24% according to their email. This is available on both the standard and Deluxe edition!
I picked it up, too bad I'm at work tomorrow. I'll get a chance to play it all Tuesday though!
I picked it up, too bad I'm at work tomorrow. I'll get a chance to play it all Tuesday though!

I'm going to download tomorrow (assuming I get the key delivered via GMG) and probably won't play until later in the week. PM me your steam acct name and I will try to link up with you.
Downloaded the game last night. My rig just meets the minimum requirements (2500k/8GB RAM/GTX670 at 1920x1200) but I can play it on Medium settings and get around 50FPS via the built in benchmark.

I initially had an issue with the mouse not clicking on icons, so re-started in windowed fullscreen mode. That got mouse functionality back and I switched back to fullscreen mode with no issues. <EDIT> There seems to be a glitch with the initial Shadow set up slider across all platforms. I did a search and XBox and PS4 players were complaining of the game crashing at initial set up. I presume that is what choked me up initially.

I played about an hour using the fifth character in the first stage of the campaign. Aiming feels weird to me but was getting used to it. The graphics are pretty nice at Medium settings but I may try to get a 1070 and see if I can bump up to High or Max graphic settings.

There were quite a lot of multi-player games available to join last night which seems promising for the CO OP aspect of the game. This should be fun!
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Grabbed a copy myself as around $30 I figure I can risk it - once I see the length, how much I enjoy it etc.... I'll decide on the Season Pass. Rebellion's title season passes do tend to be pretty decent (see Sniper Elite 4), but it all depends on how much actual "expansion" type content there is. Anyway, couple of things...

First, I should mention that while it isn't necessary, the DLC weapons pack g ranted free to pre-orders and now available a la carte - Secret Service Weapons Pack - IS worthwhile. All 3 of the weapons within are really quite useful (a pistol with great all around stats, a SMG with really really fast firing speed, and a high powered rifle with a 6 shot clip) and it will take a bit unlock the regular weapons that also come with 4 upgrade slots.

Next, the 5th character - Winston Bey the Gentleman Explorer - is for the moment, FREE on Steam. However you have to add him to your account and make sure it says "applied" - I had some trouble with the button to install just launching the game without authorizing the DLC pack for me last night but maybe they fixed it. I expect eventually he will cost something, but if you pick him up during a window of unspecified time after release hes yours for free.

Regarding characters, each one of them differs a bit in playstyle. They all have different default loadouts but you can change these how you like. What is important is their two special "traits" and their "amulets". "Amulets" are the kind of super weapons that you can use when, by killing enemies, you build up enough soul power. You start with one of them and when you collect certain in game items it gives a skill point that lets you unlock another one. Once unlocked, you can choose them in your loadout as you wish but the deck of unlockables per character differ. "Traits" are also of note and constantly impact gameplay. I haven't gone through them all yet and its worth noting that there are more characters coming post launch (I've seen a video of a Sikh Gurkha looking character for instance), but here's what is listed and what I've confirmed...

Nalangu Rashida ( African spirit warrior in traditional garb) - She has "Vampire Strike" which sounds like it gives health either on shot or melee as well as overall "Faster Movement" which can certainly be beneficial
Gracie Braithewait ( British "Rosie the Riveter" kinda vibe) - She has "Haymaker" which means her melee attack does extra damage and seems to offer extra range as well - in game its something of an uppercut. "Faster Explosives" are a boost considering that grenades in game are unlimited but based on a cooldown timer, which varies based on the type of explosive. Her talent will globally shorten these cooldowns
Prof. Archimedes de Quincy (Young scholar of ancient arcana) - He has the ability to siphon souls from longer distances away which is a neat little bonus but his second ability is the most powerful and important of ALL characters - there are some secret doors that only he can find and unlock! If playing solo he's very likely the character to choose and always make sure you have the Prof in your group lest you give up loot!
Frank Faireburne (Tough as nails British soldier ) Given the last name perhaps he's meant to be a relative of the Sniper Elite titles Karl Fairburne? This is probably the character most traditional shooter fans will flock to as he takes less damage and also has "super headshots". Grab an accurate weapon and go to town!
Winston Bey (Egyptian/British gentleman adventurer) - The "extra" character released has some strong traits too, with more health compared to others (notable considering that with the exception of a tiny bit at the end of your bar health does NOT regenerate - you need to consume potions. Thus more health and a larger regen health window is a benefit) and also more value from souls collected, filling up his Amulet special abilities more often.

Its noteworthy that each zone in the campaign has a number of special collectibles. Behind puzzle doors, unique places etc... lay various artifacts. Collecting 4 artifacts from one "set" will grant you a skill point to unlock an amulet, so get as many of those as you can. However, there are also at least two other kinds of secrets - Cat Statues and Canopic Jars. Cat Statues are blueish and all over the place - if nearby you'll hear a meow - so look around and be sure to shoot them. Later in the level somewhere there will be the "Cat Door" which above its opening shows various cat shaped lights indicating how many of the level's blue statues you've found and shot. Shoot them all and the door will open, allowing you to take special treasure from within, notably a Golden Cat Statue. Canopic Jars do not (to my knowledge so far) have an audio cue, but are also placed about the level in harder to find places, so be sure to take a shot at them too if you see one; unsure what their benefit its. Cat Statues + Golden Cat, Canopic Jars, and possibility for Artifacts are all shown on the main menu so you'll now how many you're seeking. Not sure of the rewards for procuring the cats, jars, and/or 100%ing a level - or even the whole game -as of yet but i'm sure it will come out.

Hope this helps get you started!
That's a smoking deal. It was a fun game with good graphics. You will definitely get your money's worth.