Strange Issues


Limp Gawd
May 20, 2006
Alright, my buddy recently built a new computer, and it's been giving him fits. Here's the short version:

He was having random BSD's, which he thought were HD related. He did a wipe/reload (win xp pro), but the disk wouldn't work (said files were missing). He used his mom's old copy of XP home temporarily, but he's still having the same issues. At this point he calls me asking if I know what might be wrong, I told him to try some disk utilities to see if the disk was dying. He ran spinrite, but it said the disk was fine. Now he's got random files corrupting on him, yet the disk is A-OK as far as any utilities will say. He's running at stock speed/voltage, temps are average, etc. Any ideas?
could be bad ram. Download, burn, and run Memtest+. Tell your friend to let Memtest for at least a 3 or more hours. Any error found during the test means that the RAM is faulty.
I've had him run it before, and it always came up clean. I'll have him run it again though.

Apparently he just had really bad luck with the last two installs. I had him do a low-level 0's format, re-install XP Pro, and he's fine now. *shrugs*