Strange Monitor Problem


Feb 21, 2002
I just bought a Diamond Pro 930...its a sweet monitor with a very nice image, but I always have these grey diagonal lines going down the screen. I've never seen anything like it. I know its the monitor since both my graphics card and my laptop produce the same lines. Also, as the resolution increases the number of lines increase too...almost as if the electron gun isn't firing at one timing. Any idea whats going on? Thanks for your help.
Did you try the monitor in different locations (to rule out interference)?

Otherwise it's possible that the horizontal and/or vertical deflector circuits inside the monitor are not working properly.
I have the same problem with my Compaq P900 19" CRT. It was fine for over a year, but then started doing that. Doesn't matter what resolution I'm in or what refresh rate I set it at... :(
I didn't get a chance to try it in a lot of different places yet, but it doesn't look like any interference I've seen before. I'll move it around when I get off work today.
Nope, didn't solve anything...I guess I'll be talking to newegg later tonight. :-(
Wow, that's worse then on mine... :(

You tried setting the resolution and refresh rates differently, right? You also tried multiple machines on the same monitor? If so, then I'd get an RMA, or at least talk with their support.
Yep, tried multiple machines, multiple locations....luckily I just bought it so an RMA shouldn't be a problem.
I wish I could swap out cables. Thanks for the idea though. I've sent an email to mitsubishi, maybe they can help me out. Thanks again for all the suggestions.
mad3d said:
I wish I could swap out cables. Thanks for the idea though. I've sent an email to mitsubishi, maybe they can help me out. Thanks again for all the suggestions.
I wouldn't bother with mitsubishi. This is an RMA item if you can't just swap the cable and fix it.

edit: and technically if it's the cable it's an RMA issue too, I just wouldn't bother to RMA over a cable.