Strange occurance involving a 6800 and a buzzer/speaker

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May 5, 2001
edit #2: Read the whole thing twice if you are confused! Of course I did connect the molex. There are pictures a few posts down!

edit: Just to note ahead of time - the vast majority of 6800's DO HAVE a speaker onboard. This is fairly common for newer cards. And for those curious, the card was a PNY 6800 agp (vanilla variety)

So I was switching out motherboards, my last one was defective (freaks out with more than one stick of ram) with a brand new version of the exact same model fresh from RMA (this is my third one, I love the VNF3-250 but it sure is a buggy peice of shit if anything goes slightly amiss!) and I ran into a strange problem - the events went something like this:

*spends an hour getting new mobo in and running cables neatly*
*puts video card in slot* (last part to go in)
*plugs PC into outlet and hears a horrid smoke alarm type noise*

Well that's odd, eh? My first impression was that the motherboard was bad since this whining noise happened whenever an agp card was inserted and power was applied to the system - even when it wasn't turned on! Now I did have another video card to test with, but it was in my HTPC and I really didn't feel like tearing apart that finely tuned beast. So I undid all my precious cable cleaning work and took the new motherboard out of the case, so that I could run the system barebones (psu+mobo+ram+cpu/hs+video card on a cardboard box), and it yeilded the exact same results. Obviously the motherboard was defective, no?

So of course I cursed Chaintech and their poor quality control which, aside from this situation, has been truly poor, and packed the new motherboard back in its box. The old one had to go back in! So long story short there, the old motherboard did the same thing! This was getting weird... I decided to try and hunt down the truly deafening noise, and after a series of horridly painful tests, I deducted that the noise was coming from the piezzo buzzer(sp?) (or speaker) on the top right corner of the video card! Now that the motherboards were ruled out as issues, I put the system back together with the new motherboard (which I had to unpack - at this point I was rather stick of shuffling around hardware!) and endured the horrid whining once more, only to find that if I actually boot up the system, the whining stops!

After a little web research I concluded that the card was putting out a low voltage warning in the form of a horrid shreek through the buzzer when the system was not powered on, but had active power (was plugged in). How it now knew to do that was well beyond my knowledge since never did before. But the solution was simple - I grabbed the card in my hands and ripped off the buzzer with my teeth. Yes, with my teeth! It seemed fair that the card felt a little pain to compensate for the ringing in my ears.

No idea what caused the problem to start all of a sudden but the card is running beautifuly - the system is prime and 3D stable and well, and obviously I haven't heard that horrid noise since. - just wanted to share my freak story...
OMG!! why would you tear off the onbaord speaker. It's a miracle you didn't damage the PCB. sigh, the reason you got the beep and that your games are probably running like crap is because you forgot to connect a 4 pin molex to the power connector on the card itself. Shut down and look on the card and you will see a 4 pin power connector on the card. Connect a dedicated 4 pin power connector and you'll be okay. The bios on the card gives that high pitched squeel because it's not getting enough power. :eek:
Story of the fucking year. Especially if it really WAS because you didn't connect the molex...that's when I heard that high-pitched squeal anyway. This has to be front-paged by one of the site owners...
Haha, nice. Quite refreshing to read a well put together story in the Video Card section. Appears Kyle's efforts to clean this place up are working. :cool: And hats off for ripping off the speaker. I'm sure after all of that, I'd be ready to do the same. Thanks for writing it out, stories like this are always a good read and this one made my night (or morning, whatever).
dR.Jester said:

This story is about as bad as the guy who "trimmed" the PCB on his 7800GTX.

Ahahaha this thread is damn hilarious.
I don't think it comes anywhere close to that....

I want before and after pics...:p
I want to see a picture of this guy gnawing on his video card to get the buzzer off. LOL
Lord_Exodia said:
OMG!! why would you tear off the onbaord speaker. It's a miracle you didn't damage the PCB. sigh, the reason you got the beep and that your games are probably running like crap is because you forgot to connect a 4 pin molex to the power connector on the card itself. Shut down and look on the card and you will see a 4 pin power connector on the card. Connect a dedicated 4 pin power connector and you'll be okay. The bios on the card gives that high pitched squeel because it's not getting enough power. :eek:


Games are not "running like crap", everything is great. Of course the molex was connected and I verified with a multimeter that it was getting power. No, the pcb wasn't damaged - I checked the soldering job on the back end (this type of mount is similar to a standard capacitor mount) and it seemed like it would come straight through - and it did. In fact it looks like there was never any component there.

Yes ths squeal is a warning when there isn't enough power, but why should that happen when the system is turned off? Read the post again and it might make more sense, I think you missed a lot of it.

Anyway i'll post pics later if I can remember, gotta get to bed!
I don't mean to smear your rep but we all read it and it did say when you applied power to the system. The part about Even when the system was off!!! wasn't there. I'm sorry but none of us misunderstood. You edited it " Last edited by k1114 : Today at 12:42 AM." :eek:
Yeah I had to edit that line in, surely lots of people reading it got the wrong idea :p Hang on i'll snap a pic for everyone
Wow all I have to say is just wow....there goes your warrenty or what was left of it anyways. :rolleyes:
incomudro said:
Wow all I have to say is just wow....there goes your warrenty or what was left of it anyways. :rolleyes:

Warranty was gone - when I bought the card it was WAY underpriced and had a resistor that had fallen off the back in shipping. I decdied to forego the warranty and solder it back on, and everything was working great. This was actually a common problem in early 6800's, people either RMA'd them or put the resistor in place.
Allright here we go. Now before everyone starts to jump to conclusions, the molex connector IS firmly attached, despite the angle shown in the picture. I actually tested the metal pins on the back side (on the card) to verify a good connection. You can right see where the speaker was - I did a very focused macro shot to enhance the area (it's the round area in the corner that says "B71")

edit: I am considering adding a LED and/or adding pins so that I can connect the card's status light to my front panel (which has two "extra" hdd light connectors)


And of course a full system shot since I took the time to open the case. I didn't do quite as much with the cable managment after having to undo all my work and start over, although I think I did ok. I wish I could do something with those SATA cables though, having the connectors in the middle of the board is rather unsightly :(

k1114 said:
Allright here we go. Now before everyone starts to jump to conclusions, the molex connector IS firmly attached, despite the angle shown in the picture. I actually tested the metal pins on the back side (on the card) to verify a good connection. You can right see where the speaker was - I did a very focused macro shot to enhance the area (it's the round area in the corner that says "B71")

edit: I am considering adding a LED and/or adding pins so that I can connect the card's status light to my front panel (which has two "extra" hdd light connectors)

And of course a full system shot since I took the time to open the case. I didn't do quite as much with the cable managment after having to undo all my work and start over, although I think I did ok. I wish I could do something with those SATA cables though, having the connectors in the middle of the board is rather unsightly :(

Damn, that card is all up in your harddrive's grille. :D
tsuehpsyde said:
Haha, nice. Quite refreshing to read a well put together story in the Video Card section. Appears Kyle's efforts to clean this place up are working. :cool: And hats off for ripping off the speaker. I'm sure after all of that, I'd be ready to do the same. Thanks for writing it out, stories like this are always a good read and this one made my night (or morning, whatever).
I am glad that you appreciate the there are 4 of us. :p

Nice story indeed. :eek:
tsuehpsyde said:
Damn, that card is all up in your harddrive's grille. :D

Yeah, and for cooling reasons the raptor really needs to be there :( (only spot in front of the fan but away from the other drive)
I'm bumping a semi-old thread. I had the exact same problem with a XFX 6800 AGP card. It was working for the first 3 months and then while I was gaming, it completely shutdown and started emitting the same buzzing sound. It had the same symptoms. Not only would it not post, but even when the computer was off, it would still emit that ear-wrenching sound. I rma'd the card but I'm still curious as if anyone else had this problem.

k1114, is the card still running fine for u?
you guys, are all sooooo nuts. tear the speaker off... with your TEETH. TEETH. like. slava, and bone, and electronics that obviosly still have power if there schreeching. with your teeth.

you know. i consider myslef prety good with computers. i fixed countless problems for countless people. i have never personally dealed with alam coming from any of the gfx cards iv worked on, or the rare sli configurrations iv worked on. ok so im good with computers.


so regardless, of how you can build a system, (apparently incorrectly) theres always someone with a better way to fix it. so before anyoe has any bright ideas of how this worked for this guy and it can work for me too. if you hear a screaming from your computer, somethings not getting proper voltage, or thinks its not getting proper voltage. and also. the capaciters, on a computer, take 15 years to lose all voltage. even if you think your rig is grounded its not always. this is how a computer works. millions of switches, series and parralel circuts.

conclusion dont bite computer parts.

but you wanna know a funny story? this compuuter guy i know, hes more of a friend then a dude i hire. i went to his shop and he has a little 2000 emachine in there. you really gotta see pics of it to get fully what happend but heres the best i can do with words.

the left side (side with mobo) was punched in so hard it was bent inward 45 degrees. the mobo, had split into 5 peices. the cpu, well no one found the cpu. the hard drive had been smashed open, and you could see the disk inside.

the dude who owned this machine. got so pissed at it. he kicked it in the side, and it just happended be right next to a 3 storie stair well. it fell all the way down three stories. and this dude brought THIS computer to my computer guy... to fix...

funny part is i owned one of those e-machines once. and i remember beeing soooooo pissed off at it.
MrWizard6600 said:
you guys, are all sooooo nuts. tear the speaker off... with your TEETH. TEETH. like. slava, and bone, and electronics that obviosly still have power if there schreeching. with your teeth.

you know. i consider myslef prety good with computers. i fixed countless problems for countless people. i have never personally dealed with alam coming from any of the gfx cards iv worked on, or the rare sli configurrations iv worked on. ok so im good with computers.


so regardless, of how you can build a system, (apparently incorrectly) theres always someone with a better way to fix it. so before anyoe has any bright ideas of how this worked for this guy and it can work for me too. if you hear a screaming from your computer, somethings not getting proper voltage, or thinks its not getting proper voltage. and also. the capaciters, on a computer, take 15 years to lose all voltage. even if you think your rig is grounded its not always. this is how a computer works. millions of switches, series and parralel circuts.

conclusion dont bite computer parts.

but you wanna know a funny story? this compuuter guy i know, hes more of a friend then a dude i hire. i went to his shop and he has a little 2000 emachine in there. you really gotta see pics of it to get fully what happend but heres the best i can do with words.

the left side (side with mobo) was punched in so hard it was bent inward 45 degrees. the mobo, had split into 5 peices. the cpu, well no one found the cpu. the hard drive had been smashed open, and you could see the disk inside.

the dude who owned this machine. got so pissed at it. he kicked it in the side, and it just happended be right next to a 3 storie stair well. it fell all the way down three stories. and this dude brought THIS computer to my computer guy... to fix...

funny part is i owned one of those e-machines once. and i remember beeing soooooo pissed off at it.

huh? :confused:
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