Strange overclocking results (q6600)

Oct 8, 2005
I have a Q6600 (G0), GA-965P-DS3 (rev 1.0) and rest of rig in the sig

I can boot fine into Windows @ 3.1 (9*344), and it is prime stable (max core temp on prime is 52), Intel Burn Test Stable (max core temp on IBT is only 60c)

Currently running at 1.37 vcore, stock fsb, mch voltages

The problem is if I try to go up just 20-30mhz I can't even boot into Windows (it does post)

I have tried all the way up to 1.48 vcore, which I just didn't want to go any higher than that.

When I had my E6300 it ran fine at 7*444, so I know its not a FSB issue

Is it possible that because I got this motherboard in 2H 2006, it isn't fully capable of running overclocked quads, because I get pretty significant vdroop under load?

You gotta play with the BIOS settings for chipset volts. And as I recall, to get decent overclock out of quads you need atleast a P35 board.
You can try that as well but again, Q6600 won't go too far combo'd with 965.
I had an almost identical issue with a DFI DK P35, except it was when I would try to get to 3.3.
965P chipset motherboards have trouble overclocking quads compared to P35 or P45 chipset boards. The 965P chipset was designed with dual core processors in mind and the two extra cores with the quads puts a much higher load on the chipset. This is generally the accepted reason why quads don't overclock as well on that chipset.

There are some exceptions as I used to have one of my quads running at 3.51Ghz with the exact same board you have. There seems to have been some degradation with the board since I first got the quad and it won't even boot at 3.51Ghz anymore and it was previously prime and memtest stable at 3.51. Now I can only run it at 3.4Ghz. I wouldn't be surprised if I could get 3.6Ghz out of a P35 or P45 chipset board like I have with my other two quads but it's more trouble than it's worth to swap the CPUs between a couple of boards just to see what it can do.
