Strange power problems with my PC.


Jul 5, 2005
Sometimes when I turn on my PC it wont fully turn on, I hear the fans come on, power led lights up..but thats it, the hdd light doesnt come on and it wont complete post (monitor doesnt come on).

However ..and this is the part I dont get.. If I lightly hit the side of my case the hdd light comes on / hdds spin up, monitor comes on, pc completes post and works fine after that with no issues even if i leave it on for 2 days straight.

Its been doing this for about 4 months, well until about 2 days ago, Now in addition to that symptom its randomly shutting off with no warning as if someone pulled the plug, It only does this when playing games, I haven't had it happen when browsing the web etc.

Does this sound like a flaky PSU? Its a 500W Antec "EarthWatts" model ,All of the voltages look fine in Asus Probe so Im not sure.. Any ideas appreciated.
It sounds like a short. It could also be the PSU. I'd pull it out of the case and do some testing.

You could test the PSU. Jump start it (on the main atx connector, short the green wire with any black wire, using a paperclip), and see if it stays on. If not, then its a faulty PSU. If it works then proceed.

Setup everything outside of the case, with the mobo on top of its cardboard box. Plug in only the essentials:
- PSU (namely: main 20/24-pin ATX connector and 4-pin ATX12V P4 CPU Connector)
- CPU w/ HSF
- Single stick of ram
- Videocard if there is no onboard video
- Monitor
- Keyboard
- System speaker/buzzer

* Use a screwdriver if your board doesnt have an onboard power switch. Jump the two power switch leads to turn the power on.

If it won't post, try different RAM slots. If it still won't post, pull out the ram (so no ram in the system) and listen for error beeps. If none, pull the vidcard and listen for error beeps. If none, re-seat the CPU/HSF and try again. If it still won't post, clear the CMOS. Report back with results if you're still having issues.
Yeah, you really need another power supply to rule out the current one as the problem.
Well I didnt think my PSU was still under warranty but it is (Compusa warranty) ,Im going to replace it tomorrow and go from there, Ill report back if it helped or not after Ive used it for a day or so, Thanks for the replies.
Its not a complete test; I agree, its non-conclusive. It's one simple test anyone can do if they have neither a spare PSU nor a PSU tester/multimeter.

So since it's non-conclusive, what's the point? :)

Not picking on you enginurd, I see you helping a lot of people and giving very good advice.
Sometimes when I turn on my PC it wont fully turn on, I hear the fans come on, power led lights up..but thats it, the hdd light doesnt come on and it wont complete post (monitor doesnt come on).

However ..and this is the part I dont get.. If I lightly hit the side of my case the hdd light comes on / hdds spin up, monitor comes on, pc completes post and works fine after that with no issues even if i leave it on for 2 days straight.

Its been doing this for about 4 months, well until about 2 days ago, Now in addition to that symptom its randomly shutting off with no warning as if someone pulled the plug, It only does this when playing games, I haven't had it happen when browsing the web etc.

Does this sound like a flaky PSU? Its a 500W Antec "EarthWatts" model ,All of the voltages look fine in Asus Probe so Im not sure.. Any ideas appreciated.

If it is not the PSU or Ram it is the mobo. I had it happen to me. Only for me my ram and mobo where dead..
So since it's non-conclusive, what's the point? :)

Not picking on you enginurd, I see you helping a lot of people and giving very good advice.

Very few tests are 100% completely conclusive. You typically have to run several different tests to see if something is faulty; and even then, there's still a possibility of a false-positive... in any test.

This is just one of those things you can do without any additional equipment. I still think it gives the average DIY computer builder a bit of insight on how the PSU performs. Personally, I havent seen a consistently large amount of PSUs failing the paperclip test, yet still be able to power a system (though I have seen a few). Also, its an acceptable test for an RMA with the manufacturer; as is trying another PSU (which still doesnt accurately deem the other PSU faulty either). I think one should do what they can, and this is something almost anyone can do. Therefore, I still think this test is worth doing.
Well I replaced the PSU with a BFG 650W and so far its been fine even after extended gaming sessions , I also cleaned out my case while I was at it and man it was a dusty mess! my CPU idle temp dropped 10C afterwards lol.