Strange problem, plz help


Limp Gawd
Dec 30, 2006
Well guys I've run into something I haven't come across ever. Here's the short version, I put together my mom's new computer and everything was fine when it first booted up and posted I wanted to go into the BIOS and check to see if everything was detected and all the setting were correct, well it locked up. I then booted again and got into the BIOS and the same thing happened, locked up when I tried to access any menu. Then the third time things started to get really bad, everything now spins up for about a second or two then powers down, and the front power LED is flashing (would be nice to know what the hell that means the stupid cheap Roswewill case didn't come with a manual). So I flipped off the switch on the back of the PSU and then flipped it back on, and here is the weird part, everything tries to then boot up without me even hitting the power switch, it spins up for about 3 secs, then powers down and I can't get it to respond after that. Here is what I've tried so far, I've tried RAM that I know for sure works, I've tried a different PSU that I kno for sure is good and has worked with this motherboard before, I am using a harddrive with an old operating system on it, so I used the hard drive that it's tied to, and still I'm getting the same problems. I'm just stumped on what to do now, any help would be appreciated.
Alright I fixed that problem, the power button was stuck on and it was giving the motherboard all kinds of fits, now for the second and third problems, the computer gets stuck on Verifying DMI Pool Data and when I try to go into the BIOS as stated above the machine locks up, this is a harddrive from an old computer, should I just try to do a windows repair?