Strange windows error


Limp Gawd
Oct 20, 2004
Ok, so I posted this in the optical drive forum the other day but got no response and so I though it might be more of a larger software issue.

I have never seen this error before, but when I installed a new drive, at first messed up my IDE chain and dual boot config, but I got that back together. after having problems with the new drive last night I uninstalled it. I uninstalled nero and reinstalled it too. now I still get this error when I try to burn on my old drive, BUT I HAVE SUCCEED ONCE in burning the video to dvd.

Now on a second time I have recieved this error. Does any one hadve experience with this, is there any proograms out there that can tell me what piece of hardware or software it is. Thanks.

Here is what I posted before:

EnderXC said:
I posted eariler about media problems with the PX716A. The problems that I had though had vanished came back: Windows crashes to a blue screen (but not BSOB memory error).

Here's a pic of it:

I updated Nero and the firmware to the latest stuff. My question is should I return this drive and get another one, if yes which one. I have never seen this until I installed this drive.


Mods: Sorry I know reposting is frowned upon but my situation is evolving and I'm not sure what the problem is classifeid as now.
a Machine Check Exception is a serious error (Stop 0x0000009C)

The computer processor detected a hardware error and reported it to Windows NT using the Machine Check Exception (MCE) feature of Pentium processors or the Machine Check Architecture (MCA) feature of some Pentium Pro processors.

This behavior occurs because your computer processor detected and reported an unrecoverable hardware error to Windows XP. To do this, the processor used the Machine Check Exception (MCE) feature of Pentium processors or the Machine Check Architecture (MCA) feature of some Pentium Pro processors. The following factors may cause this error message:
• System bus errors
• Memory errors that may include parity or Error Correction Code (ECC) problems
• Cache errors in the processor or hardware
• Translation Lookaside Buffers (TLB) errors in the processor
• Other CPU-vendor specific detected hardware problems
• Vendor-specific detected hardware problems

A machine check exception occurs when Windows XP and your hardware platform cannot recover from a hardware error so that the system can continue to run successfully and reliably. More specific diagnosis of machine check exceptions is difficult, and there is no general solution. Contact your hardware manufacturer or a computer hardware technician for help with troubleshooting this issue.

Machine check exceptions are frequently caused by one of the following conditions:
• You are running the processor or mainboard beyond its specifications. For example, you are overclocking the processor or bus. We recommend that you run your hardware at the manufacturer-rated speeds.
• Noisy power, overstressed power strips, outmatched power supplies and failing power supplies can destabilize your computer. Make sure that you have a stable, reliable power supply to your computer.
• Extreme thermal conditions caused by the failure of cooling devices such as fans may damage your computer. Make sure that your cooling devices are all working.
• You have damaged memory or memory that is not the correct type for your computer. If you recently changed the memory configuration, revert to the previous configuration to determine what is wrong. Make sure that you are using the correct memory for your computer.
Note Your hardware may support additional error logging features that capture the machine check exception and suggest a more specific solution.

The Pentium and Pentium Pro processors provide a mechanism to detect and to report hardware-related problems such as memory parity errors and cache errors. To signal a hardware error, the processor signals the detection of a machine check error by generating a machine check exception (Interrupt 18). Windows XP reports that the error occurred and displays parameters that you can use to decode the exception. Contact your hardware vendor or processor manufacturer for information about the Machine Check Architecture, or see the Intel Pentium Pro Family Developer's Manual - Volume 3: Operating System Writer's Manual.

personally Id strip it down to just the basic components and remove the extra drivers
then test the RAM, CPU, HDD from DOS ect

Im transfering this to operating systems
MCE=faulty hardware 99% of the time. Since it's when burning I'm betting bad mobo or PSU.

Ice Czar, WRONG FORUM!!! ;)

But you know we'll take care of 'em over there too :D
list your full config and the make and model of your PSU and I'll try to determine if it might be the root cause (based on specs)

test the RAM with memtest86+

any idea what your temps are like, can you access the BIOS?
Phoenix86 said:

Ice Czar, WRONG FORUM!!! ;)

But you know we'll take care of 'em over there too :D

but the best forum for a stop code analysis :p

0x00000004, 0x8086EFF0, 0xB2000000, 0x00070F0F
Stop. Collaborate and listen, Ice is back with a brand new mission.

Wonder if this is a DMCA compliance issue since he already burned successfully once.
Phoenix86 said:
Stop. Collaborate and listen, Ice is back with a brand new mission.

Ah yes, a Vanilla Ice reference!

To the THAT'S what I call a screen capture.
Ice Czar said:
I guess ignorance really is bliss :p
I know it was referring to you. I was just more shocked and appalled that I remembered where that was from.
Ice Czar said:
but the best forum for a stop code analysis :p

0x00000004, 0x8086EFF0, 0xB2000000, 0x00070F0F
Yeah, unfortunatly those numbers are almost meaningless without the dump:
1The bank number


2The address field of MCi_ADDR MSR for the MCA bank that had the error



The high 32 bits of MCi_STATUS MSR for the MCA bank that had the error



The low 32 bits of MCi_STATUS MSR for the MCA bank that had the error


In my experiance is has been either the mobo or psu. (It can be the proc, but that is hella rare unless you are overclocking)
OK so you guys need a dump? It has happened twice since I took out the drive, once both times I was using the computer quite intensely. mouse freezes then goes to the same error. My PSU is a forton source 530w,( I have to admit,during the trouble shooting with the drive I wasn't thinking at one point and kept switching the power switch on the back, to the wrong position when I tried to start it. ). How do I get a dump? Could overheating be the issue? Can you guys pinpoint it with a dump?

Sorry it took me so long, and thank you mods for the help. I did see the windows site page for this but couldn't think that the system was screwed because of the drive. here is my full config, Did I pull too much from this PSU?

AMD A64 3000
Gigabyte 939 NF3 ultra mobo
2x 512mb Muskin value ram
linksys wireless g card
1 dvd rw drive (not the one i got rid of)
1 160GB hitach HD
1 80 GB WD drive (linux)
3 case fans + 1 cpu fan of course

Thank you guys so much.

EDIT: I might had I used my old drive to brun the DVD, don't know why it start to work, but that's not the issue now.

2 EDIT: ok it's happened to me twice in the last 30 min. both time I was opening steam.
OK, I have the dumps, do you want me to send them to you or is there a program I can use?

The only tweaking I have done was done 2 months ago, and hasn't been chaged. once OCed 8 mhz on the FSB in january, otherwise stock.
if you wanted to post your config and the make and model of your PSU Id workup the numbers for you
and see if its a power mismatch (as opposed to a degraded supply)
Ice Czar said:
if you wanted to post your config and the make and model of your PSU Id workup the numbers for you
and see if its a power mismatch (as opposed to a degraded supply)

AMD A64 3000
Gigabyte 939 NF3 ultra mobo
2x 512mb Muskin value ram
linksys wireless g card
1 dvd rw drive (not the one i got rid of)
1 160GB hitach HD
1 80 GB WD drive (linux)
3 case fans + 1 cpu fan of course

Both drives are IDE 7200rpm

All stock except unlock 6800, been that way for 5 months. I believe the FSB is like 201 but that's at mobo defaults.

PSU: Forton Source 530Watt this one

If you mean my dxdaig stuff it's here:

Tell me if there is any other info you need. Thank you so much

BTW, I'm leaving for the beach tomorrow so I won't be posting till late Saturday.
Alright, so I need to check with a multimeter? I think I have one. Thanks.

And Ranma_Sao has my dumps so he might know what the stop code points to.

In the mean time I might run memtest over night. Thanks.
just to let you know I yanked that crossload chart since that supply wasnt actually in the same design family
but the 530 is a tried and true supply widely popular for similar configs as yours I put one in the box I built for my brother ;)

go ahead and test it with a DMM ;)
an intermittent MCE might point to a fluctuating VAC issue but another hardware component is more likely, and the 530 does a pretty good job on AC line regulation, of course like any supply only up to a point and when functioning properly, but going by the specs its certainly not an overtaxed supply ;)