Strange Wireless Story


Limp Gawd
Mar 3, 2004
Ok guys... on thanksgiving I was in the back of the car on the way home from my cousins house in north jersey. We were traveling south on the garden state parkway (that might have relevance).. Anyway, i got bored and decided to refresh all the networks within range in the windows xp wireless networks windo. of course since its a somewhat populated area we are driving through, I would pick up the random unsecured network.. but at one point, id pick up an ad-hoc (peer to peer) network with the name 'swpcwirele$$'. I thought it was strange because it consistently showed up in the network list while we were driving. I figured someone else driving next to us had a laptop going with an ad-hoc network. the funny thing is, it still shows up when i am home (upstairs with good range).. and with four bars... i started picking this signal up about 40 miles from here when we were on the highway

i dont have any internal wireless card besides the PCMCIA one i am using... So i was just wondering what the hell this could be, because i surely cant figure out anything/
uh, whats wisp?
if you mean isp?.. then the answer would be optimum online, but i dont think that is relevant
nah, it was an ad hoc network, so when he decided to connect, his computer has to broadcast teh signal too, so no matter where u go, u still have the signal because your laptop is broadcasting it
i even googled swpcwirele$$, got nothing. and if it was a wireless isp, i doubt theyd do something unprofessional as replacing s's with dollar signs..
karnick said:
i even googled swpcwirele$$, got nothing

Well, did you google swpc wireless...

Siemens Westinghouse SWPC
Couple of old job postings for wireless transmission capable embedded sensors.... but at this point it's just a wild guess.