Strap Questions


Dec 4, 2006
So, I've read that my particular motherboard has this issue called Strap. Where in the high 300's it runs into a wall overclocking. I was even warned of the problem before I started overclocking. But, because of my ingnorance, I decided it would be cool to go from 340 to 365 on my FSB. I thought the point of Overclocking was continually increasing speeds little by little and testing stability. With this issue, it can contradict that theory. So, my question is, when I get to about 340 with my FSB, should I go ahead and just bypass the Strap problem and set my FSB to 401??? I'm pretty sure my system build can handle it, but then finding an optimal Vcore could become a huge hassle.
HELP Please.
Definitely skip up to 401. Why subject yourself to all those headaches in the high 300s? If I were you I'd leave FSB and MCH on Auto (Gigabyte boards seem to prefer this sometimes), and make sure you're running your memory at 1:1 (meaning it too should be running at 401MHz, which is 802MHz in DDR2-speak).

As for CPU voltage, set it high enough that you know "not enough vCore" isn't the reason if your OC fails. What's stock voltage on a E6600? Put it at 1.4v, or thereabouts. Once you've got a stable OC going with numbers that make you happy, you can step down the CPU voltage a little bit a time, doing stability tests. When it borks at settings that used to work except for vCore, set it back to the last known workable voltage and you're done! (Don't be surprised if you get back down to stock, either. Many C2D's aren't very voltage-hungry.)
This is a little off-topic but i didn't see any point in starting a new thread.
What issues does this 'strap' problem entail? Are you using a DS3 board by any chance?
6600 had multi of 9 I think, 9x400FSB = 3.6 might be a strech depending on your cooling.

Why make an issue until one exists ? In theory I agree with Crooked Paul, its what I did with my low mulitiplier 6300 heck I started at 400 once I verified the stock settings. But per above I think you might have trouble. Give it a try a 400 and see if she boots but watch your temps. Agree about the 1.4V as well, can turn it down later.

Will only take about 20 min to step thur 350 to 400 by say 5MHz a try and see what happens.

Update to latest bios. dont use the automatic update or windows utility, download to a floppy and use the built in utilty at bottom of main bios screen.
So, I just brought down the multiplier to 8 and set my FSB at 401. She's running very stable at 3.2Ghz and my memory is at the right setting. I ran Orthos for nine hours at a Vcore of 1.34 with temps at 35 degrees. I think I'm just going to stop. I'm pretty content with my OC setup.
Thanks for everyone's help. This forum has helped me tremendously, which means everyone here has helped me learn something new to do with my computer.
Sounds great. You're getting 35C under Orthos load? That's phenomenal... borderline unbelievable. Are you using Core Temp or TAT?
No, I'm at 51 degrees under Orthos load.
I'm 35degrees idle.
Sorry about the confusion.
I'm using Core Temp, SpeedFan and TAT. The temps I'm telling everyone on the forums are from TAT. Seems like it is the norm for this forum.