stream video from a share hosting account


Limp Gawd
Dec 22, 2004
I have a 1yo nephew and have a bunch of short videos of him (~30secs each) that I want to put up on a web site for friends and families only (it'll be password protected). I'm thinking of setting up a simple blog with wordpress.

However, how do I set up streaming video? I have a unlim space/unlim bandwidth shared hosting account with lunarpages. Normally, I would upload to youtube and link, but obviously, I don't want the whole world seeing my nephew's videos, however cute they are.

Thoughts and ideas? Thanks

(does youtube allow you to have a "private" channel?)

PS the videos are in mov format.
I'm guessing you have a some sort of web hosting account with Lunarpages? If so I'd just create a directory for your domain, called family, and not link to it from your main page. Something like That way the only people who know about it are those you tell. You could also setup up a username/password with a .htaccess if you wanted, and most hosting placing make it easy with their 'web panel' software.

The thing is, it will be hard to stream from most unlimited type plans as they are usually a bit slow due to oversubscribes. A straight download like I suggested is probably your best bet. But, if you really want to go the streaming route, you'll have to setup a streaming server or use HTML streaming (realplayer and quicktime), which I know nothing about.

I also think most browsers will automatically download and play movies in the browser if it's a direct link to the file.
thank you. I'm familiar with how to protect a directory from public view. It's the streaming part I don't know how to do.
As an alternative:

Just run an instance of Opera with the Web Server, File sharing, Media Player or Stream Media Unite apps.

It's easy and you have an option to password protect things.

In Opera, press F4 to open up the panel list, goto the propeller icon to open the Unite panel and set things up.

There's also a photo sharing app which you might like. has other apps you can install.

I'm also pretty sure that youtube has a private option.
There are tons of flash-based video players to choose from for this. There's been a few threads on this exact topic before in the forum. [H]ardforum search and Google are your friends :)