Street Fighter 4 Thread

I need to practice double qcf motions on stick...
the cost of using a pad for SF until now is hitting me now.

With the Hori arcade stick I still have problems doing them. It doesn't seem to register properly all the time. It's cost me a few matches as I was trying to setup a Special or Ultra to finish the player off.
As with Street Fighter since it first appeared so long ago, there is nothing in the game short of some glitch (Zangief's "Screwdriver from Hell" in SSFII would be one, Guile's "Handcuffs" from the original SFII would be another, etc) that cannot be countered - even if it means taking a hit to do it.

While mostly true, that isn't 100% correct. There have been several infinite combos over the years, including one in SF4 for El Fuerte. There are no absolute lockdown patterns where someone can't move, but there are some that are so damned close that they might as well be. There aren't many things that can't be helped no matter what, but there are quite a few tricks that can make all but the highest level of players completely helpless. There are also a few patterns certain characters can't stop, too.
The thing about SF4 is that you can throw someone the instant someone rises after being knocked down, so I think we're seeing a lot more people abuse that, and people aren't used to having to deal with it. It certainly seems a bit jacked up right now, but I'm sure we'll all get used to it.
The main thing I'm a little miffed about is Zangief. I've been playing the guy for years and now everyone and their brother wants to use him because his piledriver grabs out of everything. There are a ton of absolutely incompetent players using him and winning just because he's jacked. They need to go back to Ken :p
With the Hori arcade stick I still have problems doing them. It doesn't seem to register properly all the time. It's cost me a few matches as I was trying to setup a Special or Ultra to finish the player off.

You may consider buying an octagon gate and putting in your Hori. Very easy to install. The square gate takes some getting used to on quarter circle motions. Once you get, you got it, but it takes practice. Shoryuken motions are easier on a square gate imo though.

I prefer octagon gates myself. I like feeling the *bump,bump,bump* fireball. It's really easy to throw the stick and feel the three notches and tapping punch. Here is what you need

To install it you only have to drill 4 holes in it that are already half-way drilled as a template. Easy peasy.
The thing about SF4 is that you can throw someone the instant someone rises after being knocked down, so I think we're seeing a lot more people abuse that, and people aren't used to having to deal with it. It certainly seems a bit jacked up right now, but I'm sure we'll all get used to it.

Yeah, it's pretty awkward waking up with a back dash to avoid throws. Especially after playing SF3 for so long.
I'm actually having to adjust to dashing all over again. I've been playing Hyper Fighting, HD Remix, and even the Alpha games over the last few years. I never liked 3 much, so I haven't played with dashes in a loooong time. I didn't even know you could dash out of a command throw...but that's good to know! Usually when I have throw happy opponents, I just choose Zangief. My 15 years of piledriving people tends to win out over people who aren't used to it.
Who else here gets their ass handed to them on medium difficulty? I can get to Seth on easy but he constantly kicks my ass. "easier" is about where I play with ease.

Overall, I'm enjoying this game much more than SC4 and I'm a huge Soul Calibur fan..

keep playin and you'll get it....I'm getting comfortable kicking ass in medium, gonna try the next difficulty rating...every char has a starting pattern......for example M. Bison always does his gay slide in kick the very start of the match, so I get ready to counter combo that biiiaatch...
In general, Seth's an asshole. He almost always starts with something you can jump in on, but after that - sometimes he just makes decisions. The whole teleporting into his EX piledriver requires excellent timing to escape, and when he mixes that in with his weird multi-hit uber kick, it's not an easy mix up. His super pretty much overpowers 99% of the moves in the game, too.
Typically I find the best approach to fighting Seth is to play things VERY safe and don't get caught missing moves or doing anything slow. Block a lot and try to 2-in-1 from a quick attack into a special move. You're going to eat the piledriver here and there, but it doesn't hurt any more than that kick, and his super is worse than either.
On medium, Seth has a pretty recognizable pattern. I haven't tried Hard or Expert yet. His 'Ultimate Power' incarnation can be defeated solely by keeping your distance and jumping in with HK, crouch HK, jump back... wait for him to toss sonic booms, jump in HK, crouch HK, jump back. rinse and repeat. If you're fast enough, he wont even hit you and wont use his teleporting. Only when you try and mix it up with him in close does he start that teleport/piledriver BS.
Hmmm...I'll have to try that! I tend to play the CPU like I would a person (very much in-close for me) so it's a tough fight. I'd never think to jump back after a low HK after all :)
Reminds me of the old school Mortal Kombat patterns you HAD to use in MK3.
You may consider buying an octagon gate and putting in your Hori. Very easy to install. The square gate takes some getting used to on quarter circle motions. Once you get, you got it, but it takes practice. Shoryuken motions are easier on a square gate imo though.

I prefer octagon gates myself. I like feeling the *bump,bump,bump* fireball. It's really easy to throw the stick and feel the three notches and tapping punch. Here is what you need

To install it you only have to drill 4 holes in it that are already half-way drilled as a template. Easy peasy.

Sweet, I'll have to check this out. The the tourney stick have this on it?
The main thing I'm a little miffed about is Zangief. I've been playing the guy for years and now everyone and their brother wants to use him because his piledriver grabs out of everything. There are a ton of absolutely incompetent players using him and winning just because he's jacked. They need to go back to Ken :p

Been doing that to people with Zangief since SSF2 first appeared and we found that "glitch" about 3 days after we got the machine at the arcade I used to hang out at. Needless to say, within a day or so I had the timing on it so precise that people simply refused to play me anymore unless I promised to never do it before we began.

Of course, "new" people just coming into the arcade (a Putt-Putt Golf & Games) weren't so lucky and got confused fast... "Hey wait a second... WTF man... that's bullshit!!!" and then followed up with the inevitable "That's some cheap shit, man, you need to cut that out..." and my response was typically "Hey, it's in the game, nothing stopping you from learning how to use it yourself and coming right back at me..."

But they never did, and I remained the best Zangief player in my entire area (no, not because of that, but because I could snatch people from half-screen away... unlike James Goddard himself - the creator of Zangief - who played me once and snatched me full screen...)

They weakened him too severely in the Alphas for me, then the sad thing they called Street Fighter 3 came out... geez.

So now I'm fired up to get back into this with SFIV and see what's up, still modding out this X360 however, might be done this weekend.
Picked up my copy for the 360 today and I'm enjoying it. The graphics are nice and the characters are big.

Seth is definitely a cheap POS, he pulls the same BS as Gill in SF3. I was playing on Medium for a bit but decided that I was just going to play Easiest to unlock the characters and then I'm going to play real people online.

Of the new characters I've played with Abel and he's not bad but the Viper chick is definitely fun to use.
You'd be surprised how many people will keep walking into Blanka's electric field. :D

Or fireball, fireball, fireball, weak dragon punch....

fireball, fireball, fireball.....weak dragon punch...


One thing I really need to get used to is the longer amount of time it takes your opponent to get up when compared to HD Remix, I'm jumping in too early.

The other thing, does anyone know if Vega still has his air throw from the wall? I keep doing the air claw thing whilst holding towards them and punch when close to them and it will not do it :mad:
Gotta lay off the game for a while my left thumb is killing me (good times). Now I wish I'd preordered a TE stick.
Yeah I got one of the sticks for my 360 and ps3, sold the 360 on as I wanted to make my ps3 dedicated to mostly fighting games anyhow.
Is anyone else having trouble with matchmaking on PSN/XBL? 90% of the matches I try to join, whether rated or player, are showing "Unable to Play" or words to that effect.

All XBL ports are forwarded and XBL network test shows as being succesful, was testing PSN on a seperate internet connection at a friends place - don't know of any specific tests for it.

Any known workarounds for this, is it a bug, etc...?
Is anyone else having trouble with matchmaking on PSN/XBL? 90% of the matches I try to join, whether rated or player, are showing "Unable to Play" or words to that effect.

All XBL ports are forwarded and XBL network test shows as being succesful, was testing PSN on a seperate internet connection at a friends place - don't know of any specific tests for it.

Any known workarounds for this, is it a bug, etc...?

Same here and my ports are properly setup on my router. I think the match making needs some more tweaking.
Same here and my ports are properly setup on my router. I think the match making needs some more tweaking.

Agreed, the matchmaking is pretty smut... they need to improve it, most of the time I see people with no latency bars or with 1 red... geez!
You can refresh until you see someone with a good connection. It's "square" on the PS3 so it's probably X on the 360. I only play with people who have orange or yellow bars.
One thing I really need to get used to is the longer amount of time it takes your opponent to get up when compared to HD Remix, I'm jumping in too early.

The other thing, does anyone know if Vega still has his air throw from the wall? I keep doing the air claw thing whilst holding towards them and punch when close to them and it will not do it :mad:

I'm in the same boat. I keep jumping in WAY too early as the people stay on the ground seemingly all day. The quick rise brings the timing back to the old game, but against better players I find it's almost not worth doing unless you're going for a counter hit on someone who also has old school timing.

Vega's grab off of the wall is still there, but it has almost no range. In general Vega is pretty nerfed. He does no damage, his grabs have no range, and his block damage is minimal. He has a really good ultra and that's about it. Luckily because you'll be getting jacked up all of the time, your ultra is usually available ;)
They should've made his off the wall like Akuma/Gouken's flying move. They can grab with pretty good range on theirs by using the throw command. Vega's is still just L or R with punch.

I just discovered Abel's punch combo has a high/low mix-up with the second hit. I just figured it was a delayed hit to stay safe on block, but his middle punch is a top-down attack.
You can refresh until you see someone with a good connection. It's "square" on the PS3 so it's probably X on the 360. I only play with people who have orange or yellow bars.

Doesn't matter what the connection quality is in this case - had it drop against full green, yellow, red, non-existant...
Vega's grab off of the wall is still there, but it has almost no range. In general Vega is pretty nerfed. He does no damage, his grabs have no range, and his block damage is minimal. He has a really good ultra and that's about it. Luckily because you'll be getting jacked up all of the time, your ultra is usually available ;)
They should've made his off the wall like Akuma/Gouken's flying move. They can grab with pretty good range on theirs by using the throw command. Vega's is still just L or R with punch.

Against the top players I may be at a disadvantage with Vega but last night I went on quite a streak with him, figured out the grab and away I went :D I guess the mass Ryu/Ken brigade have trouble against anything that doesn't have a dragon punch/hurricane kick/fireball :p

On a slightly different note :

T Hawk and DeeJay getting the 4 treatment....brilliant news! They are open to other character suggestions too by all accounts.

Gotta say I've had no lag either, even when fighting ppl with no bars. Seems pretty rock solid so far for me.
^Funny thing in the article is them talking about how Dan made the cut and other didn't. I find Dan fun to use in SFIV - albeit cheesy. I'll be looking forward to DJ and T.Hawk(har, har). Acutally, I'd like to see either Guy, Alex, or Remy as a new secret character. They should make it where you download a new pack of "known characters", and yet still be able to unlock new characters with them....
Has anyone managed to pull of Chun Li's ultra with the ps3's d-pad? I can do it about 1 in every 20 tries ... in which time i'd be dead 20 times over on an online fight. The only directions I need to press are left, right, left, right, and L2 for all 3 kicks, but I always manage to make her unintentionally jump somewhere in between. Any tips would be appreciated. (and I don't want to pay for a fight stick ;))
urgh i need to get back on and play.. i havent played this weekend, I had a car show and played too much poker ; (
Has anyone managed to pull of Chun Li's ultra with the ps3's d-pad? I can do it about 1 in every 20 tries ... in which time i'd be dead 20 times over on an online fight. The only directions I need to press are left, right, left, right, and L2 for all 3 kicks, but I always manage to make her unintentionally jump somewhere in between. Any tips would be appreciated. (and I don't want to pay for a fight stick ;))

Get a fight stick! LOL...

I can pull off her Super and Ultra no problem. First, I'd set my back L2/R2 to all three kicks and all three punches if you don't already have those set to Focus Attacks. This will allow for you to focus on the hand movement rather than hitting three buttons at once. Next, try to slide your hand back and forth after the inital charge. Think of it as two back to back Kikō-ken (fireball). I'd suggest practicing it a few times before heading to an online battle where everyone is sure to use Supers and Ultras. Good Luck!
I started playing ranked matches last night and I'm a whopping 11-0 already. Out of 120 online matches (ranked and unranked) my Zangief has only lost once. Granted I'm pretty good...but I don't use any of the new focus stuff at all. I'm just playing like I do in all of the other ones.
As expected, 90% of my opponents are Ryu or Ken and the EX banishing hand pretty much owns them. A buddy of mine that also plays 'Gief is in a similar position. He's 17-1 and the one loss was because his son kept messing with him.
I'd love to see T. Hawk in the game. I know almost nobody ever played the guy, but I've always liked having another grappler. Abel's grab doesn't have the range I want.
Anyone else played a decent Fuerte? Adonay (who posts on here) has a really good one that annoys the hell out of me in a good way. I've also encountered a pretty solid Viper along the way, too. Other than that - it's all Ryu/Ken/Akuma/Sagat.
^I'd like to get better with any of the grapplers. I'm trying to work on using El Fuerte, but there a bit of a curve. Of the online matches I've played, I see only Blanka, Ken, and Ryu. I'll be happy when I start seeing Dahlsim, Fuerte, Rufus, Abel, Gen, Gouken, Rose, etc. It gets tiring to play Ryu and Ken repeatedly.
Rose is a beast if you know how to use her.....I was in training for a good 2 hours learning different combos....

Same with Gouken....EX Senkugoshoha into Ultra Shin Shoryuken does a TON of damage. If you can pull this off after a Focus by jumping in with a HP, couch HP, EX Senkugoshoha , then his Ultra, you'll take 70% off of their life bar. The EX Senku knocks them straight up in the air, giving you plenty of time to pull off the ultra. If you do it early they will catch the tail end of the ultra, but if you time it just when they are about to land, you'll catch them full force in the Ultra....of course you'll be close enough to make contact if you have them in the corner. Otherwise you'll have to EX Dash Cancel close enough to them, then do the Ultra.

Gouken is a baiter for the Dragon Punch crowd too...he's my favorite character so far...
I played with Gouken a little, too. He reminds me a tiny bit of Urien in SF3 with the angled fireballs. It's almost like they took Gill and Urien from SF3 and divided them up into Seth and Gouken.
Can't say I've played any other Gouken's just because he takes so long to unlock. Still, his supers are both strong and his ability to throw people into a combo is pretty devastating. Like you mention - it's pretty easy to link EX's, and his ultra. The air dive/throw is also good for dealing with fire chukkers.
Seth should be unbeatable on paper, but he does no damage at all, and he takes damage worse than anyone. Gouken luckily doesn't have those faults.
I actually haven't had much of a problem with Rose yet, however he super is among the best in the game. That one and Vega's will both hit people out of anything pretty much instantly.