Stuart I - Hello, my name is Stuart


Thanks! Stuart Rocks. I think I'm going to go sit outside all slathered up in butter and read it over and over again. I think the cute neighbor girl is watching me too.
hey now, dont ruin it for the noobs!

and yeah, GenHard....did not know where else to put it, but it sorta fits here.
Wow, that was weird and disturbing. I never want to hear the name Bill Gates even whispered in my presence ever again. :D ;)
W00T! Stuart!! Thanks for posting the series Kyle. Strange as it seems, the Stuart columns are what made HardOCP a regular stop for me. I was and still am a hardware enthusiast, but those quirky stories are what made me visit the site. Here we are 6 years later and Kyle and HardOCP are a force in the industry and I still visit the site every day.

One question, did Bill ever publicly express his, er, feelings for Stuart?
I remember...was long before i even registered and just came to read here on a work computer.

The story is still just as disturbing as it was back then. :D

Good stuff!
Back for a little Stuart action, good thing, I went looking for the old Stuart stuff a while back and couldn't seem to find it, and was starting to think it was lost.

Ahhh butter, Metab O' Quill, aluminum foil, and Bill such sweet memories.


ROFL!!! Heeee's baaack!

Damn Frag Master! You had to go and pull up Stuart, didn't you. That series truly was one of the main reasons I became a repeat visitor. Great shit! Just so fucking bizzzarre.
yeah, the still make me laugh too and I think I have them committed to memory. A lot of the "ancient" references make them that much funnier now days if you are in the know. And yeah, Cliff had to do some digging to find them in the database. They were there, not exposed, but there.

Also, I got an email from a reader last week asking about them, and I got to thinking it would be a fun holiday treat to publish them again...
hey kyle any idea as to when/if there night be a next chapter? an epilogue maybe, or just an update from the mind of Stuart?
Judd Sandage said:
hey kyle any idea as to when/if there night be a next chapter? an epilogue maybe, or just an update from the mind of Stuart?

I would like to know the same? ;)
Stuart is great. Too bad there hasn't been a new installment for years. Here's hoping Kyle is signaling some sort of return.
Judd Sandage said:
hey kyle any idea as to when/if there night be a next chapter? an epilogue maybe, or just an update from the mind of Stuart?

I dont think so, the guy that did these stopped writing them, I was going to continue them, he had a big shitfit about that, I am waiting for him to sue me about them this time. ;p I dont think it will come to that though. They were specifically written for HardOCP, but they were never purchased officially. the guy never wanted his name on them and he never took credit publicly...he had his OWN tech site...
Great stuff, Kyle. This is my first time reading these chronicles of Stuart, I think they are great! I see a little of my self in him... well, not much... well, just the butter part... any way... keep them coming.
I remember these from before, and they're STILL hilarious.
Thanks for bringing them back Kyle. :)
Stuart is absolutely hilarious! Great call by the [H] to post his stuff again.

Ironically, the cops were just about right when they asked about PCP. Dextromethorphan (DXM) is the substance in Nyquil and other cold meds like Robitussin that makes you all whacked out if you take enough. Interestingly, it is closely related to PCP in both chemical structure and effects!
That stuff is enough to make even reasonable people strip down and wrap themselves in aluminum foil :eek:
stonedwaldo420 said:
Stuart is absolutely hilarious! Great call by the [H] to post his stuff again.

Ironically, the cops were just about right when they asked about PCP. Dextromethorphan (DXM) is the substance in Nyquil and other cold meds like Robitussin that makes you all whacked out if you take enough. Interestingly, it is closely related to PCP in both chemical structure and effects!
That stuff is enough to make even reasonable people strip down and wrap themselves in aluminum foil :eek:

Hehe, I wonder is Stuart actually started the Robotripping craze? Never thought about that till now. We corrupted America.....for a laugh.