Studios Flirt with Offering Movies Early in Home for $30


Aug 20, 2006
Would you pay $30 so you can avoid the theater and stream a new movie in the comfort of your own home? Actually, that might not be such a bad idea, since you could invite a bunch of friends and have them pitch in toward the cost. Releasing a movie mere weeks after theatrical debut at slightly higher costs is just one idea that studios are toying with, who are being threatened by less and less people leaving the house for entertainment.

Studios are looking for ways to shore up home entertainment revenues as DVD sales continue to slide. They also believe that their advertising can be more effective and cost efficient if a film’s home entertainment release is closer to its theatrical debut. By grouping those two things closer together, studios wouldn’t have have to launch a massive promotional campaign to reintroduce consumers to a movie months after it was on the big screen. Then there’s the issue of shifting consumer tastes. Younger consumers, used to streaming services such as Netflix, are accustomed to being able to access content whenever and on whichever device they would like — they’re not used to having to wait months to watch something.
$30 lol. FU studies. Maybe we don't go b/c you keep raising prices and I cannot afford or wish to spend that much to take my wife, kids, etc... Plus the $10 pop or $15 popcorn that is free refills, oh but wait only on the giant $25 bucket, but we forgot to tell u that up front. Or maybe it's the dipshit actors spouting off about how we all need to bow down and embrace their politics and virtue signaling.
Would totally do it if there was some kind of quality guarantee. I hate when I rent a movie from amazon or google play and it starts streaming at 240p despite me having 150mbps internet and being able to stream 4k Youtube with no issues. If I spent $30 and they tried that shit on me, I'd never use it again.

Wanted to watch John Wick 2 where I live and ended up paying $45 for 2 people because it was only available in the recliner seat area of my local theater. Totally worth it but $45 is > $30

EDIT: From the article:

Fox and Warner Bros., for instance, are considering making films available between 30 to 45 days after their opening, but at $30 a rental

Get fucked. I'm not paying $30 to watch something 30 to 45 days after opening when it'll be $2 on redbox in a couple more weeks.
4K HDR streaming for let's say 48hours or a whole weekend... then yes I would totally pay 30$
Would be even better if after 30minutes of play you can cancel that with let's say 5$ because the movie sucks...
Would only make sense if you have a nice setup at home, and are inviting folks to watch it with you. Absolutely not worth it outside of that.

Makes more sense for blockbusters, since those tend to run for months at a time in theaters. Not so much movies that aren't blowing up the coffers. There are some decent movies that only last 2-3 weeks in theaters, and you can get them at a discounted rate towards the end of their theater lifespan.
I could buy the Blu-ray a month or two after they propose to release it and for $20 or less.

Give it to me on release day (or a week later) at $20 and I'd go for it.

At this point, I think the consumers can demand things. They may not get it, but I won't be buying what they are offering, either.
30usd to avoid Traffic, crowds, cramped seats, fucking ridiculous concession stand prices.
Would only make sense if you have a nice setup at home, and are inviting folks to watch it with you. Absolutely not worth it outside of that.

Makes more sense for blockbusters, since those tend to run for months at a time in theaters. Not so much movies that aren't blowing up the coffers. There are some decent movies that only last 2-3 weeks in theaters, and you can get them at a discounted rate towards the end of their theater lifespan.

Might be why it is so much. To dissuade new 'private' theaters. You know how they think lol. All that lost money!!
Would only make sense if you have a nice setup at home, and are inviting folks to watch it with you. Absolutely not worth it outside of that.

Makes more sense for blockbusters, since those tend to run for months at a time in theaters. Not so much movies that aren't blowing up the coffers. There are some decent movies that only last 2-3 weeks in theaters, and you can get them at a discounted rate towards the end of their theater lifespan.

I'm pissed when I pay $50 for the family to watch a movie and it turns out to be the shittiest movie ever made. I go to see the must-see's now (Logan, Star Wars, etc.). I skip all the "That looks good" movies. Even in the home, if I'm paying $30, it's going to be for that blockbuster movie. If they push an Adam Sandler movie (or other similar type) for $30, I'd be insulted. Give it to me for $10 and I'd go for it. Wouldn't feel too bad if it turned out to be shit.
$5 is about what I'd be willing to pay for a new movie still in theaters. Otherwise I'm content to just wait for it to hit the torrent sites in a few months or cable in six months to a year. I'm of the opinion that no single movie is worth spending much of anything on. And I only go to the theater once every few years, and only for big blockbusters like Star Wars.

I would happily give the money that I currently spend for a yearly VPN subscription to Hollywood if they could give me something equivalent to the torrent sites, but currently they can't. Piracy is the superior and cheaper option. I can find almost every movie ever made on the torrent sites. Legit options like Netflix streaming suck balls by comparison.
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$30 a month for everything - new releases and back catalog - we'll talk. $30 for one show is why I quit going to the theatres in the first place.

For a monthly fee, I would be willing to shell out even more if I can get let's say 2 views of each movies on release day... or let's say 30/mo for 2 movies / mo or a nice deal...
There's money to be made there... they just need to align their s*** and I guess make sure nobody can rip UHD while movies are still in theater which is what I think scare them most...
I'm pissed when I pay $50 for the family to watch a movie and it turns out to be the shittiest movie ever made. I go to see the must-see's now (Logan, Star Wars, etc.). I skip all the "That looks good" movies. Even in the home, if I'm paying $30, it's going to be for that blockbuster movie. If they push an Adam Sandler movie (or other similar type) for $30, I'd be insulted. Give it to me for $10 and I'd go for it. Wouldn't feel too bad if it turned out to be shit.

Even beyond that, a little patience can go a long way. Sites like Fandango et al will show you showtimes for a particular movie, at a specific theater, for the upcoming week, and that allows me to get a handle as to when a movie looks to be on the way out. For Rogue One, I took my family to watch it two weeks ago. 2 adult tickets for $10 each, down from $14 on opening week, and 2 tickets for the kids, for $7 each, down from $9. Allowed me to get some popcorn and candy for the kids, for the price I'd normally pay for just the tickets during the first several weeks. No crowd at all, and the kids had a blast, and the few people that were there didn't make much of a fuss when my 7 year old decided to do 7 year old things.
If it was maybe 7 days after release, rental lasted 48 hours, and I had a bunch of friends/family over, then yes I might consider it. They certainly aren't getting my money at the theatres now anyway.
I'd much rather watch at home. The best theater in my area still sucks in general. It's great being able to reserve your seats ahead of time, but when you arrive and find that the cup holders are stuffed with the last person's used kleenexes and the seats you chose are smeared with the fake popcorn butter, yuck. That was my experience at Rogue One, and the management didn't give a shit.

Rather stay at home for entertainment any day, and that's what we usually do. It just means waiting for the streaming or Blu-ray release. I'd love an option to pay more and watch certain films at home while they're still new. We probably see 2 movies per year in the theater vss 100+ at home b/c it just isn't convenient, so they aren't getting our money as-is.

Edit: I didn't see the 30-45 day thing. No, I would never do that.
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IF it was really good quality stream then yes I would pay 30 to watch in my theater at home that is better then my local theater. Not have to listen to people talking and be able to recline in my seats with my family yes.
30 bucks?? get fucked.

price of a ticket so 15 or so and maybe.

remember piracy is free. so people paying anything is better than nothing.

WTF? it costs 15 at a matinee just to see a movie in the theater. Its like 20 for a normal movie and nearly 30 for an IMAX 3D movie. I'll gladly pay 30 to stream it at know why?

No annoying people (celll phones, talking, chewing, moving around, itching etc, you name it Ive seen it).
No annoying parking/traffic issues
I sit where I want in very comfortable seats
No bullshit about I cant bring food or drink in
No bullshit about not being able to protect myself

Most movies aren't worth the hassle of dealing with the above. VERY select few are just to get the huge screen (and Im talking like 2-3 /yr at best on a good year). Admittedly some theaters are allowing food and drink or have a reserved seating option with reclining seats...but those tickets are, yep you guessed it about 30 bucks.
Best thing movie theaters can do to get me back into it is the following:

1) Serve Alcohol
2) Do not allow anyone in that is not 21+. Admittedly, this may not be enough, but it will get rid of the majority of stupid cell-phone wielding annoying children.

Until then, I likely won't visit a theater. Also, if a movie has been out for a couple weeks I'm not paying $30 to have the luxury of watching it at home. At that point I can wait a couple more weeks and buy it for $20 or rent it for $1 at Red Box.
IF it was really good quality stream then yes I would pay 30 to watch in my theater at home that is better then my local theater. Not have to listen to people talking and be able to recline in my seats with my family yes.
I would pay $30 is I could download a high quality mkv (at least 1080p), no streaming crap. Otherwise I'll just put it on my want list and see it when a good mkv is available as I detest any issues while I watch a movie. Rather just wait and rip it to mkv and watch it in comfort with my cheap popcorn and beer at home.
30 bucks?? get fucked.

price of a ticket so 15 or so and maybe.

remember piracy is free. so people paying anything is better than nothing.

and dealing with loud fat people costs you that extra 15 dollars plus a few.

I can easily pay 15 extra to not deal with dirty ass theaters, white trash, awful overpriced food, and sipping on my own home-brew.
As already said, for the time frame, hell no, it will be available on all the Linux distro sites 45 days after release. Same day however? Sure, I often go with the gf which means two tickets, so already $30 right there (not including IMAX or anything like that), plus drinks/snacks, another $20-30, then you are at the mercy of any person or crying child to ruin the movie, I am never as comfy as I am at home and can't pause to go take a piss. So yes, I would go for it, but ONLY if it is same day, number one reason I don't go to see movies on opening day are the crowds/lines for the new movie.
Streamed? No. I get a physical disc and mail it back? Maybe. I'll give you $40 if I can have it after a month of release to keep.
30 bucks actually seems reasonable. Sometimes I want to see a movie, but don't have anyone to go with me. I would rather pay more to watch at home and eat my own food. Junior Mints at the theater are expensive!
Yup. We spend around $40 or $50 anyway so this is fine by me. I want to support movies but find myself rarely going anymore.
In my area it's about $12-15 for normal viewings depending on normal or ultrascreen. I stopped going after my teen years until they started doing $5 Tuesdays all day, $6 for Ultrascreen/3d. That is the only time I will go now, I still only see about 2 or 3 movies a year at that price. It's a nice theater now with the recliner seating and Atmos system, but you can't fix the people. I try to go during school/work hours earlier in the day when I can so it's usually pretty empty. For me it would only be worth $15 if it was available no longer than 48-72 hours after release. They can have 2-3 days to get box office tickets but if it's more than $5 after a month wait, yeah i'll just keep waiting. Definitely doesn't bother me with how often I go and have to wait for the stuff I don't see, so if they want more money from me they need to be sensible.

I'm sure eventually they will realize setting a low price and getting tens of times more purchases will work out better in the end for everyone, or not and continue pissing people off and have to keep coming up with various ways to overcome the loss of money. More regional pricing differences, hit the higher pop areas with more fee's and bullshit stuff sooner since they are accustomed to higher prices already as evident in the thread.
This has been available for a while at a much higher price via Prima. With Prima you can watch theatrical release titles for $500 a movie. It is pretty popular with the home theater crowd...i.e. the people with actual theaters in their home and plenty of disposable income.
I live in NYC, my options are pay $22 for a new release at a decent theater or $15 at the shithole dick theater

Went to see Beauty and the Beast opening night in a 400ish seat theater last week

Here's my experience:

Seats are packed so closely together and incline of the theater so little that a tall guy two rows ahead of me was blocking my view of the screen, Tall guy in front of me blocked a quarter of the screen too.

A fight broke out in the back of the theater about 30 minutes into the movie, people were hauled off

Some fucking asshole thought it was a good idea to bring her infant to the theater. Half of the movie was this baby cooing or crying and its mother loudly shushing it.

The lady two seats over from me was singing, loudly, out of key, and out of sync, to every one of the disney songs

Theaters can die, please
45 Days later and I can just wait another week or two and buy it outright on Blu-ray for that price. You "might" be able to sell me as a Day 1 release day for that for something I really want to watch. That isn't terrible for a family of 4 to completely avoid dealing with a theater. Anything past a week after and you need to start dropping the price rapidly. At that point I honestly get closer and closer to my preferred method of just waiting until it hits blu-ray and buying it outright.
If it's Blu Ray quality with a lossless audio track (DTS:x/Atmos or the like) then yes. Considering the Blu Ray release of films are generally 4-6 months after the theatrical release I wouldn't mind waiting a month but not much longer than that. With 4 or 5 friends you could get a couple quality pizzas, good beer and a (mostly) new movie for less than the cost of the tickets alone.

EDIT: That being said my local theaters are all pretty good (big comfy recliners with Atmos sound etc...) and they have $7 Tuesdays all day so if I wanted to see a movie in the theater I have it pretty good but I still prefer watching most movies in my home theater.
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I live in NYC, my options are pay $22 for a new release at a decent theater or $15 at the shithole dick theater

Went to see Beauty and the Beast opening night in a 400ish seat theater last week

Here's my experience:

Seats are packed so closely together and incline of the theater so little that a tall guy two rows ahead of me was blocking my view of the screen, Tall guy in front of me blocked a quarter of the screen too.

A fight broke out in the back of the theater about 30 minutes into the movie, people were hauled off

Some fucking asshole thought it was a good idea to bring her infant to the theater. Half of the movie was this baby cooing or crying and its mother loudly shushing it.

The lady two seats over from me was singing, loudly, out of key, and out of sync, to every one of the disney songs

Theaters can die, please

Reminded me immediately of this....

Reminded me immediately of this....

I wish

I have a great gigantic TV and badass sound system at home so I'd gladly stay in, every time, no matter what. Theaters are just a breeding ground for animosity and airborne AIDS.
There is only 1 small old theatre where I live, it gets the movies a few months after the other guys do and only a month or 2 before it comes to home release. The seats are shit but at $7 a person and $4 for a bowl of popcorn bigger than my head I won't complain too much. They have a great projector and a better than average sound system. I will go there when ever I get a chance, that being said they only bring in movies they know they will fill the house with and they only show them 2 nights a week, if the movie I want to see isn't coming or for other reasons I can't go out I would love an alternative that doesn't include a 4 hour drive in the dark.