Study Claims That Facebook Users Live Longer

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[H] News
Dec 31, 1969
I'm not saying this study is total BS, but I would seriously like to see the credentials of the people that came to this conclusion after only a six month study.

For the study, the researchers matched a group of 12 million California Facebook users with vital records from the California Department of Public Health. They analyzed online activity over a six-month period and compared that of those who were still living to those who had died. All those who were studied – whose privacy was maintained – were born between 1945 and 1989. All the comparisons were made between people of similar age and gender.
I think the real issue here is that within our social media addicted culture our ability to network and enjoy the company of others is diminished in comparison to the E-stars with 5m+ followers that like their hourly salad arrangements and puppy filter selfies. Comparing the life expectancy against other people within the same state does nothing to show whether or not it's better than living in a society that (due to being technologically inferior,) has much more traditional social structures.
This is ALL you need to know.. a quote from that article..

The authors emphasize that since the study is observational, it does not prove that using Facebook will help you live longer.

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As someone who is pursuing a Doctoral degree, I can tell you that even from the brief overview of the study it's probably shit. Why would the only look at 1945-1989? This appears to be an arbitrary dataset. It covers a 44 year span, for no apparent reason. It considers people aged 27 to 71. It only covers 6 months. As none of these numbers provides any sort of obvious reason for selection (why not 72 year olds or 26 year olds?) it was probably designed after they looked at the data to get the most sensational number they could come up with. This junk happens in Academia all the time, but it's good press for getting grants.
Mom: Just log off facebook - it's time for bed!

Young girl: No! Please - just 20 more minutes? Research says....

Mom slams the laptop and unplugged it and said: You won't die from it so go to bed!

Young girl: bbaawww Now you just made my life shorter!!
This just in, people who don't run into traffic live longer, next on news at 9!
I couldn't help laughing because the first explanation I thought of for this study was that people with large social networks have to spend so much time at their computer that they can't go as much into traffic as people who have to meet their friends mostly in person, so they die less in traffic accidents. However, 15 paragraphs on a study that don't include a graph or a single mention of "by what percentage" baffles the mind. I still don't know if the difference is within the margin of error or not, and all the links in the article go to completely unrelated articles from the same site.
So they found out that more resourceful people live longer. Is that a surprise? Nothing to do with Facebook at all.
but I would seriously like to see the credentials


On topic, though, this nugget:
For example, people with the highest levels of offline social activity – measured by the number of photos posted, suggesting face-to-face interactions – had the greatest longevity.
The other interesting tidbit I found was the fact that there's a feedback loop - healthier people attract more attention even online.

So it's not even strictly facebook.
For me, this here is my preferred social network. There is definitely some instant gratification to be gained when you interact with random people or just skim through some topics (Is my dog racist? :D)
This study is 100% and irrefutably correct.
Anyone who knows anything about life the universe and everything knows that numbers are the only constant and they never lie, not even a little bit. If you look at all the people who have died who have never used Facebook (hundreds of billions) and then all the people who have died who have used Facebook you'd see that there are far more living Facebook users than dead ones hence not only do Facebook users live longer but Facebook itself also saves lives.
I don't know, but I think I will live longer and waste less time by not seeing yet more banal selfies of people having lunch.
Considering that I just got today a "Help <your friend who died 2 years ago> celebrate his birthday" notice from Facebook, I have to wonder if the results are skewed by dead people who seem to be still using Facebook.
Stats show that the more birthdays you have the longer you live.
No they don't.... it just SEEMS like they do because everybody wishes they would fucking die so the inane flow of constant random stupidity would stop.
Calling it a study is already a compliment.

Young people use facebook more, old people use it less, and old people are more likely to die anyway. And since the study also included young people it kind of speaks for itself. I bet they also found that working people are less likely to die than retired folks.
I am calling bullcrap to this crap. I always thought that FarceBook sucked the life out of you. Oh and lose brain cells.......
I created a Facebook account just so I will live longer.

I have a bunch of dupe facebook accounts for game giveaways and such that require social media accounts.

I'm gonna live forever.