Stupid Clicky POS Seagate


Jan 27, 2006
Seagate 500GB CLICKY POS

Just push [ctrl]+[f] and type "click". AFAIK it's not actually the drive dying, but it's just when it's seeking/writing. Which sucks, because I'm constantly downloading stuff via utorrent which means it's pretty much clicking non-stop. It's actually louder than my case fans, very audible and VERY annoying. Is there a solution to this short of getting a different brand (with 400GB already full on it, that'd be a major PITA since I have no way to store this 400GBs of data short of a crap load of DVDs...).

And yes, I've had this for quite some time now, but I thought it was from my old 250GB WD since I remember reading some stuff about them clicking when they get old, but I can clearly tell with my ear next to my HDD cage that it's my 500GB seagate, and it was only confirmed when I checked the newegg reviews to see TONS of others with this problem.

Well, anyone can think of anything here?
Well you mention utorrent now and it's just occured to me that that's the only yime I also hear the clicks on my 160GB Seagate. Granted it's over 2 years old but there must be SOME way of getting rid of that nonstop annoying clicking sound.
I have the same HD and don't have a problem with it so far. I do notice a "sound" when the drive is seeking, but it's not loud enough to bother me, I can live with that, for me the upside to this drive is it's reliability and warranty. Now if you want a quiet HD, I've heard the Samsung Spinpoint series are very quiet.
Surprise! AAM is off. It's not user-modifiable on Seagate disks, and it makes the drive louder with not much performance gain. Not much you can do about it.
You could try modifying utorrent's caching settings so that it writes less often, keeping more in RAM to cut down on the seeking and constant small writes. That worked very well for me, though I'm sorry to say I don't remember the specifics of what I did, now.
You could try modifying utorrent's caching settings so that it writes less often, keeping more in RAM to cut down on the seeking and constant small writes. That worked very well for me, though I'm sorry to say I don't remember the specifics of what I did, now.

I will look into this, and next time my purchase will not be swayed merely by pricing (really, it was $200 for 750GB last christmas, how could I pass that up :eek: ). I'm stuck with it for now, so I think I'm going to start downloading to my other empty 250GB and then transferring it over when it's completed. Little annoying, but will be better than constant "tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick etc etc"
My Deskstar drives did this for about 4 months before the drive totally failed. Run some low level testing software. It will probably say the drive is no good and cannot be repaired. I've been trying to decide to choose to buy these very Seagate drives or Raptors, and now I'm leaning toward the Raptors because I've heard of many Seagate failures.
every drive seems to have it's share of failures. Hell one of my Rappys died....

As far as noise I really don't understand what the big deal is. I have Panaflo L1A's and liquid cooling and I still can't hear my HD's unless I put my ears up to the case. Rappy or whatever I do not hear them! The airstone in my fishtank must be 10 times louder than my HD's else my case really dampens the sound...
FYI: The reason why you only have 4 years and 8 months on the warranty is because the warranty starts from the day the drive was manufactured and NOT from the day you buy it.

Hope this helps... good luck with the drive, though!!