Stupid OC question Phenom 9600BE


May 29, 2008
So I picked up the cheap 9600BE in the recent NewEgg deal along with a DFI 790FX-M2RS open box board, it was kinda hard to beat for the price.

So last night, I finally got everything put together and stable at stock so decided to try and OC a bit. Well first, I'm used to some basic overclocking on S939 Athlons and my Q6600 and looking at some of the BIOS settings on the DFI board left me scratching my head. I checked the manual, but it doesn't really explain what the settings mean, so that didn't help much either.

I did manage to find the setting for CPU multi, which having a black edition I figured I'd be able to just up that from the stock 11.5 to 13, saved changes, boots fine, still running stock at 2.3GHZ. This is the part where I start getting really confused, reload BIOS and it shows that it saved the multiplier, but it isn't appearing to have any effect. Just for the heck of it, I tried a lower multi then stock and it also didn't appear to make any change.

So down to the Phenom newb question am I'm missing something really obvious here?
Is it possible cool 'n quiet is clocking it down on you to save power? Is that disabled in the BIOS or does it still show at 2.3Ghz while running any kind of benchmark test?
I'll double check when I get home. I know I didn't disable it, but pretty sure it was running at 2.3 under load and 1.15 idle. Thanks for posting the suggestion.
Thanks for suggesting turning off C&Q, that seems to have fixed two issues I was having. (I should have thought of that earlier)

1) Last night as soon as I tried to change the multi in AMD overdrive it would hard lock the system, with C&Q off it didn't do this.
2) It is actually saving my changes now, I don't know if that was due to disabling C&Q or just messing with other changes in the BIOS, but its working.
