Stupid Study of the Day

HardOCP News

[H] News
Dec 31, 1969
A new study published in the Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology found that people are happiest on the weekends. I am not making this one up. I swear.

But research out today looks at the psychology behind that mood boost. Men and women alike feel better — emotionally and physically — from Friday evening through Sunday afternoon, regardless of their age, education, salary, marital status or how many hours they work, the study says.
It's actually the opposite for me, but then again I think I'm a workaholic - I tend to go into work on weekends just because being at home for more then a few hours (minus sleep of course) gets me kinda depressed. Also, my job is really fun at the moment :)
Quick lets get some grant money to see which web sites make people happy. Porn or news. It should only take about $25 million, and we will need some volunteers to study. Lets start two lines. Hot chicks in the express line, everyone else, wait in the lobby.
Even with onerous tasks, Ryan says, people probably have more autonomy and connection on weekends.

But the weekend effect isn't the same for those who regularly work weekends and have days off during the week.

Most people are happiest on days without work, Ryan says.

Ok, so the first part is like...Duh, the next part yet another "brilliant" observation and the last part looks like a tagline for Captain Obvious...
Being paged three times a day would just piss me off, regardless how the rest of my day is going. I've been carrying a pager for where I work for 20+ years and I just cringe when I hear it. I guess that would not make me a good candidate for this kind of study unless they give me the money and then I most likely would not mind being paged three times a day to see if I'm happy.
I'm sure more people would be happier during the week if we all had jobs which paid us to conduct useless studies with obvious answers.
The sky is blue, EXCEPT at night and on cloudy days. Me thinks a study is needed on why that is.
To be fair, sometimes these "common sense" studies get a bit too much mud thrown at them because people assume that the "conclusion" as picked for the newspaper headlines is all that the study was concerned with. Much more important might be the reasons people feel these ways about weekends, potential long-term health and wellness effects, how these interact with changing socioeconomic structures, etc.
now how about studying HOW to make people happy during the rest of the week....i think that is where society's massive failure is at.
Why didn't they hold a public survey tour across the USA by asking people who walk by in downtown, by the movies, or at the parks in order to generate a bigger picture?

But just 74 people? They have no imagination.
You can make fun of stupid studies all you want, but the reality is that the topics they study don't have any empirical evidence behind them to begin with because it's such a, "no shit" kind of topic. You can say most people are happier on the weekends/with an active sex life/drunk/etc, but it means jack without any actual evidence. There are many instances where a previously held society judgment was knocked back because of these studies.
lol, 74 people? Well in that case we, in this forum, just concluded a study that finds that the "Weekend Happiness" study people are blithering idiots.

Now where is our grant money?
You can make fun of stupid studies all you want, but the reality is that the topics they study don't have any empirical evidence behind them to begin with because it's such a, "no shit" kind of topic. You can say most people are happier on the weekends/with an active sex life/drunk/etc, but it means jack without any actual evidence. There are many instances where a previously held society judgment was knocked back because of these studies.

And why would anyone want/ need evidence to prove that people are happier on the weekends? Now that you have proof that people are happier during the weekends and it's a scientifically proven phenomena instead of just a logically solid piece of common sense..

What great breakthrough discovery have you achieved? What can you actually do any differently now that it's a proven phenomena that people enjoy not working more than they enjoy working? Is this something that hasn't been assumed since the beginning of the industrial era? Is there anything useful we can use this information for? Any new information as to how we should lead our lives?

Studies like this are a way of shitting money down the tube. Maybe if Bill Gates felt like putting together a research team to study such "gee-wiz" phenomena, nobody would care about the money being wasted; Then again I'm sure that Gates' philanthropic ventures don't include such superfluous research. I don't see how you can argue that a study such as this isn't a colossal waste of time and money.
I, personally, have done just such a study, only it spanned 10-20 years and includes all people I've ever known well enough to know the answer.

Who's is better? Mine was free. Should I request funding after the fact?
Let me make a SWAG: people are happier while having sex than not having sex.

It's actually the opposite for me, but then again I think I'm a workaholic - I tend to go into work on weekends just because being at home for more then a few hours (minus sleep of course) gets me kinda depressed. Also, my job is really fun at the moment

Scientists are great at wasting grant money

Au contrare! Scientists are terrible at wasting grant money. A good grant waster would have written off $300 for a new toilet seat of $150 for a new pencil sharpener that was deemed "necessary" to the project. These scientists waste their grant money working!!!
Another SWAG: getting a raise or promotion makes people happier than not getting a raise or promotion. :rolleyes: