sub team


Jul 27, 2005
So I was reading the thread about trying to get the DFI folding team to join us in our fight to kill more roo's :p and i thought that a local RC(radio control) forum i go to "rcpitstop" could help us. They are not very big only 266 members and dont have a folding team so i just have to tell people about what folding is and how it helps us as humans to fight cancer ! ! ! OK . So what i need to know is if i can get people to agree with me should they all fold under the same name or make a "tag" at the beginning or end of the name? Im not very good at getting ppl to listen to me so if you guys could give me some ideas it would be great.

I believe the prevailing idea for making this work is to add a "clan name" (hey, they might actually work--clans within the Horde...) at the beginning or end of the username. So they would have <username>[RCPS] or somesuch.

It doesn't seem like it would be too hard to make subteam pages on Just filter for usernames that include that subteam suffix.

Got your PM... :)

I think this is a fantastic idea. If you have a repore with that forum, go for it.

Adapt one of the form letters that p[H] linked and post your final draft here...we can go from there.

Someone give Krayzie and cookie! :)
this is what i got so far, its not done, but plz tell me if i should add anything or take stuff out.spell checkers would also be good :p thx

hey, Im pretty sure 99% of you guys have never heard of F@H (Folding@Home) and probably dont know what it is. It is a project that Stanford University started to understand why proteins fold. Before proteins can carry out their biochemical function, they remarkably assemble themselves or "fold" but when they dont fold or "misfold" there can be serious effects, including many well known diseases, such as Alzheimer's, Mad Cow (BSE), CJD, ALS, and Parkinson's disease. We all know someone that has been affected by cancer and this is our chance to help find a cure. How can you help? all you have to do is run a simple program on your computer, thats it!!. It wont slow it down because it only uses the spare "cycles" on your cpu so you can do all your daily fun stuff like play games, instant messaging, or anything else you like to do and still help out in this great cause.

Maybe add something toward the end like: "Not only do you contribute to a great cause, it's also a very 'friendly competition'. An added bonus to helping humanity find a cure to horrible diseases, you also are awarded points. These points entitle the person to bragging rights and
smack talk." :D
***added some things***

i think its getting too long?

hey, Im pretty sure 99% of you guys have never heard of F@H (Folding@Home) and probably dont know what it is. It is a project that Stanford University started to understand why proteins fold. Before proteins can carry out their biochemical function, they remarkably assemble themselves or "fold" but when they dont fold or "misfold" there can be serious effects, including many well known diseases, such as Alzheimer's, Mad Cow (BSE), CJD, ALS, and Parkinson's disease. We all know someone that has been affected by cancer and this is our chance to help find a cure. How can you help? all you have to do is run a simple program on your computer, thats it!!. It wont slow it down because it only uses the spare "cycles" on your cpu so you can do all your daily fun stuff like play games, instant messaging, or anything else you like to do and still help out in this great cause. Not only do you contribute to a great cause, it's also a very 'friendly competition'. And this is were teams come in. you are awarded points for the protiens you fold. These points entitle the person to bragging rights and smack talk. I Fold for a team named "[H]ardOCP", they are a very well established team and have some very knowledgable people that can help you with all your questions that you may have. within our team we hold contests and gauntlets with prizes ranging from custum case folding badges to entire folding boxes(free computers!!!)

I'd suggest maybe throwing in a few links to where they can find information. Something that points them to Stanford's folding pages, something that points them to, and possibly something that points them here.

Other than that, it looks good to me. :cool:
Krayzie135 said:
***added some things***

i think its getting too long?

hey, I'm pretty sure 99% of you guys have never heard of F@H (Folding@Home) and probably don't know what it is. It is a project that Stanford University started to understand why proteins fold. Before proteins can carry out their biochemical function, they remarkably assemble themselves or "fold" but when they don't fold correctly there can be serious effects, including many well known diseases, such as Alzheimer's, Mad Cow (BSE), CJD, ALS, and Parkinson's disease. We all know someone that has been affected by cancer and this is our chance to help find a cure. How can you help? All you have to do is run a simple program on your computer, that's it!!. It wont slow it down because it only uses the spare cycles on your cpu so you can do all your daily fun stuff like play games, instant messaging, or anything else you like to do and still help out in this great cause. Not only do you contribute to a great cause, it's also a very friendly competition. And this is where teams come in. You are awarded points for the proteins that you fold. These points entitle the person to bragging rights and smack talk. I Fold for a team named "[H]ardOCP", they are a very well established team and have some very knowledgeable people that can help you with all the questions that you may have. Within our team we hold contests and gauntlets with prizes ranging from custom case folding badges to entire folding boxes (free computers!!!)

Spelling correction in bold.
I also took out some of the quotes, it sounded too much like Dr. Evil and his "laser".

Good luck.