Subliminal Messages Work, Sorta

HardOCP News

[H] News
Dec 31, 1969
Get this…new research shows that subliminal messages really work, you just have to want to do some the things that are being suggested. Hmm, the more someone wants to do something the more susceptible they are? Sounds about right. :D

To get people to behave in a certain way, the idea for such behaviour must first be planted in their minds. Once the idea has been planted in your mind (so-called ‘priming') then either a lack of something (deprivation) or a positive association with a certain action can ensure that you are actually motivated to carry out that action.
I dont buy that at all, but for some weird reason Im compelled to give Steve money after reading that post
steve, do you have a paypal account? I don't know why, but i feel like donating money to you.
Couldn't resist :D

Bah, who needs money anyhow, we got each other....brotherhood in brokededness.
I finally did it, I bought a life time membership to the forums!

Steve, here are my bank details
sort 33-94-55
account 1034462666
I need your addy, I got a box of monopoly money that I feel like I need to give you.
I'm going to hand deliver some coins as soon as that pass port comes in the mail.. should be anyday now.. wheres said keg party at ? ?
Sweet Jesus this is some old ass news Edward Bernays has been doing this since 1900's

Please tell me everyone knows the name.......OK FINE I'LL LINK IT.

Edward Bernays
I have a hundred dollar macedonian bill, thats gotta be worth at least two or three USD
Now you've done it Steve. After people read your post we are going to experience a major outbreak of people who've played L4D walking around with their arms outstretched saying, "Give me money."

Sorry guys. Steve won't be able to give anyone money thanks to my 1337 h4x0rZ skillz.


Here's some money Steve.
Anyone noticed that every sports segment, movie scene, TV scene, etc... seems to have a friggin' Coke Bottle in it these days?

And, cool as the car is, those TV shows with embedded Hyundai Genesis 'ad's' are just hilariously obvious :)

That said, I want one LOL