Subscriber Perks?

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Aug 15, 2004
Majordomo, et. al,

Would it be possible to add a list of the subscriber perks to the FAQ at the top of this sub-forum? I'm trying to figure out what all is included with becoming a valid subscriber.

I've found bits and pieces from searching, but a full list may be a good way of getting more money in the forum coffers! ;)

  • Larger PM box (+100)
  • Access to extra forums (GenMay, Soapbox, Web Linkage worth clicking, Cars, Hobbies, etc)
  • Ability to close your own threads

That's really it. You're more likely to get a custom title too (just not one you'd want). :p
An excellent suggestion. I'll add a General Mayhem section to the FAQ with all of the particuliars.:cool:
That's really it. You're more likely to get a custom title too (just not one you'd want). :p

You get a custom title when you subscribe? Hm... this deal might be worth considering.
You get a custom title when you subscribe? Hm... this deal might be worth considering.

No. You're more likely though considering we have a lot more thread "games" that get your post count closer to your own custom title at 16k posts. Or more likely to get "poof'd" by Kyle in GenMay for some ridiculous awesome story. At the same time, shenanigans are likely to get the infamouos "Banned" title ;)
I know not yet possible with vBulletin but I'd love web based mail support for members..
It's not that we aren't able to do web based email accounts, it's that we don't want to do them. They were used to spam the forums time and again. As soon as one becomes a problem, it goes in the filter.
True, but the point would be to allow them from trusted, "members"! But still restrict new users from web mail. Last I checked vBulletin was still all or nothing.
It would be a nice feature for our older members as a perk, but unfortunately you are correct, it's all or nothing.

True, but the point would be to allow them from trusted, "members"! But still restrict new users from web mail. Last I checked vBulletin was still all or nothing.
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