Substitute for WoW?


Limp Gawd
Dec 24, 2003
I quit playing WoW because I have kinda got tired of paying the monthly fee. I love the game but is there a good free MMO out there by chance that I could play to occupy my free time with? FPS games just get a little boring every now and then. I miss WoW :( :( :(

Only thing close to a free MMO is Guild Wars that I can think of. Some argue about it being an MMO though. The thing is monthly fees are a bit of a necessity when it comes to MMO's, since they have a constant cost to run (hosting, bandwidth, hardware upgrades, maintenance)
I bought GW, and played it a grand total of 3 days. Have not touched it since
Silkroad online.... Free MMORPG

Great Gfx, not kidding ya. Probably the best looking free game out there... the graphics rival games that come out for $$$.

Game play is pretty good, and if you find a fun group of people to play with then its great. Not a game to play alone with though.

Unfortunately, they did a server update and the lags bad... but it should get better in like a day...

I <3 that game, but I think the game play runs a bit short, I always find myself a bit too weak for the big monsters and too strong for the weak ones, but that doesn't last too long.

You should look into it if you are really looking for something cheap (free), great looking and with pretty decent gameplay!
Look at the free games sticky. I know for certain there are a few MMO's listed.
go check out Navy Field. You can play free until you hit level 30. you command and customize a navy ship and have battles with other players online. i just started up and its pretty easy to catch on. if you get to level 30 and you dont like it, you can just uninstall it, no payment needed :cool:
Devnull said:
Oblivion rocks and Planetside is now free.
I never really read up on Oblivion. It's a MMO?

Planetside isn't free. You need to buy the client, and with the "free" account you can only advance to rank 6 (I admit I have no idea what that limit entails) and after March 2007 they start charging. From what I have heard, Planetside is having this promotion because they are having a hard time keeping players.

MMO's that are successful *have* to charge monthly because their operating costs are simply so high. A game supporting 1500 users doesn't need as much hardware or bandwidth as one supporting 100,000 users. So basically an MMO that doesn't charge a monthly fee either will soon or is on the downswing. Except WW2Online. That game sucks, has a low playerbase, and still charges a silly fee. I think they are just arrogant.
SuperSubZero said:
I never really read up on Oblivion. It's a MMO?

Planetside isn't free. You need to buy the client, and with the "free" account you can only advance to rank 6 (I admit I have no idea what that limit entails) and after March 2007 they start charging. From what I have heard, Planetside is having this promotion because they are having a hard time keeping players.

Someone call the waaaaaaahmbulance. You can download the client and play for free. The reason for the promotion is to attract more players. The game is nearly 3 years old, you think they should NOT be trying to attract more players? :confused:

Oblivion is single player. I am suprised you don't know about it.
To each his own:
I bought GW 2 weeks after it came out, and I 100% Loved it. Much like WoW, its not for everyone. I started playing it again because the expansion is coming out and I need to remember my characters :) But, pound for pound I would say GW is your best bet.
Just remember, if you're playing a "free" MMORPG, you're playing with a bunch of other people playing a free MMO. You think people can be stupid, immature & not take things seriously enough in WOW?
Everquest 2? It doesn't look bad at all, really. Lots of praise I've seen too. Correct me if I am wrong.
I think I played Guild Wars for three days also, probably only because my friend INSISTED it was fun.
Movieesa said:
How about a girlfriend or something that involves daylight. SNAP!!!!

you mean in the dark unless everyone is like you and likes banging fat chicks in the daylight

Yeah I'm definately far more homebound (bedbound?) with a girlfriend.

But I am getting sick of people "sick of paying monthly fees."

I won't even start the debate, obviously these people don't work in IT. Obviously they would prefer 904923523 crappy playerrun 100person max servers that are probably as stable as a gnat.
cyks said:
I bought GW, and played it a grand total of 3 days. Have not touched it since

hehe, me too. Couldn't get into it at all. Still looking for an open ended SWG replacement
itsmikey said:
Yeah I'm definately far more homebound (bedbound?) with a girlfriend.

But I am getting sick of people "sick of paying monthly fees."

I won't even start the debate, obviously these people don't work in IT. Obviously they would prefer 904923523 crappy playerrun 100person max servers that are probably as stable as a gnat.

same people that bitch that a burger at mcdonalds should cost 5 cents im guessing also
itsmikey said:
I won't even start the debate, obviously these people don't work in IT. Obviously they would prefer 904923523 crappy playerrun 100person max servers that are probably as stable as a gnat.

Bad part is when you pay a premium for the same (worse) performance. :mad:

cyks said:
I bought GW, and played it a grand total of 3 days. Have not touched it since

Sucks to be you... GW is one of the best games I have ever played.
I don't mind paying monthly fees. I figure I'm getting x hours of fun (say... 80 or so a month?) for 2 hours of work. Not a bad deal, IMO.
It's not that great... pretty repetitive, not fun gameplay, lame anime style graphics, pvp is below par. People that usually like it are cheap asses that will never pay for an MMO.

People are retarded, $15.. a 10 year old can make that in a day.
Well I must admit, it seems to get a lot more love around here than D&D: Stormreach, which also lasted me approx. 3 days. And it's a monthly fee!

I basically thought GuildWars was MMO easy mode. Kinda lame overall. Oblivion is much better, and gets rid of that unecessary MMO factor... I mean, if you're going to take out the majority of the MMO feel, might as well take it all out.
The Elder Scrolls online... never has there existed such a potential for either legendary greatness or total letdown. :D
Luxor said:
It's not that great... pretty repetitive, not fun gameplay, lame anime style graphics, pvp is below par. People that usually like it are cheap asses that will never pay for an MMO.

People are retarded, $15.. a 10 year old can make that in a day.

How is any other MMO not repetitive?
Anime style? what? Have you seen anime?
PvP below pvp rpg is more oriented? just curious
And if you add up all the money you spent on the monthly fee, you've just spent $180 plus the actual cost of the actual game a year. So I can understand not wanting to pay more.

As for a recommenedation...although it hasn't been the easiest first week..I am getting hooked, Final Fantasy XI and the month fee has dropped to $10 instead of $13.
I highly recommend Guild Wars. Go and pick up a Faction's pre-order disk for $1 and there is a passcode to try the game for 14 days for 10 hours and afterwards you have to buy it. Worth a shot.
DudeItsMe said:
Well I must admit, it seems to get a lot more love around here than D&D: Stormreach, which also lasted me approx. 3 days. And it's a monthly fee!

I basically thought GuildWars was MMO easy mode. Kinda lame overall. Oblivion is much better, and gets rid of that unecessary MMO factor... I mean, if you're going to take out the majority of the MMO feel, might as well take it all out.

I always felt like it gives the can play with people...or you can play solo and be your own hero. Pretty neet if you ask me. And it's a truly story driven game. Obvilvion is completely different all around from any MMO game. It's like comparing Fallout to WoW

Fallout kicks its ass :D
(Fallout kicks a many rpgs ass so don't be offended WoW lovers)

hmm... Fallout online...that might be kind of cool
Netrat33 said:
Fallout kicks its ass :D
(Fallout kicks a many rpgs ass so don't be offended WoW lovers)

hmm... Fallout online...that might be kind of cool

No one is offended. I'm just worried about your judgement abilites...
If you love WoW so much 15 bucks is sure cheap entertainment. Sounds like you've got other issues.
pistola said:
No one is offended. I'm just worried about your judgement abilites...

Wow, don't open a can of worms that WOW/Blizzard definately can't contain.