Subwoofer not working


Jan 25, 2007
Didnt know whether to put this in the audio or the apple forum, but when i hook my logitech z-2300s up to my powerbook g4, i get absolutely no bass coming from the subwoofer. Is there any way to fix this? I know the set works fine, i get full bass from my ipod, and my desktop (which recently just bit the dust, hence me using a 5 year old laptop) I miss my bass and id appreciate it if anyone could help.

thanks in advance :D
Yeah all the connections work fine. As i said, everything works great when hooked up to my ipod or to my desktop PC, but when i hook it up to my laptop there the subwoofer just doesnt work
Clueless about mac items, but it sounds like there may be a setting not correct on your mac. Since you have tested with other hardware and your z-2300 works fine with them it would point to the mac as the source of the issue.
I thought it might be but I've looked through the settings and I couldn't find anything that would affect something like that either way so I'm kind of lost haha
How do you connect the speakers to the mac? It could be that one of the mac output jacks is dead.

Otherwise, if it is a single jack on the mac (lol), I have no clue. It should just work if that is the case.
Yeah it's just a single jack on the Mac and a single cable from the speakers, so I'm confuzzled
connecting to a mac laptop or mac desktop ? Is the connector pressed all the way in ?
I have a feeling that there should be but in my sound options panel in the system preferences there arent any options, just balance, volume, and sound output, and the only option under sound output is line out
may i ask you to post a picture of the cable that you are plugging into your laptop ?

Can you plug in headphones into this laptop and get bass ?


sorry was on vacation for a bit, and i do get some bass with headphones but not the amount i feel that i should be getting.

that picture isnt of my exact speakers but theyre identical to the ones i have. the green tipped cable (lower left) is what gets plugged in to my laptop or other output source
sorry was on vacation for a bit, and i do get some bass with headphones but not the amount i feel that i should be getting.

that picture isnt of my exact speakers but theyre identical to the ones i have. the green tipped cable (lower left) is what gets plugged in to my laptop or other output source

it sounds like the headphone jack is broken on the laptop, if you get sound still, it sounds like you have a bad ground, plug your headphones in and press up or down ( lightly ) on the jack while listening to music does it change at all ? go side to side and up and down, gently tho.

Sounds like 1 of two thing ... maybe a soder came loss or maybe something blew on the subs board.... I am putting my money on soder somemwhere though ...
Sounds like 1 of two thing ... maybe a soder came loss or maybe something blew on the subs board.... I am putting my money on soder somemwhere though ...

sounds like lifted ground on the mac laptop.

SIMPLE SIMPLE fix since its a g4 take the 8 screws out of the bottom remove the battery, then resolder all 3-4 pins :)


Headphone jack is on the left hand side in this picture, when you flip the laptop over and remove the bottom you see it on the right hand side, the best part, you see the bottom side of this board and it is easy accessible to solder :)
hm, the thing is i dont have a soldering iron haha. it seems like nothings getting recognized as what it is in the mac control panel. its just line out for everywhere where it should be speakers or headphones as an option
hm, the thing is i dont have a soldering iron haha. it seems like nothings getting recognized as what it is in the mac control panel. its just line out for everywhere where it should be speakers or headphones as an option

if you lived close to me i would do it for free :)

thanks haha, thats very nice of you.


im a poor teenager haha, and im most afraid of taking my powerbook apart, ive done it once and it was a total nightmare. so. many. tiny. screws.

thanks haha, thats very nice of you.


im a poor teenager haha, and im most afraid of taking my powerbook apart, ive done it once and it was a total nightmare. so. many. tiny. screws.

it's 8 screws, nothing hard about it at all.
It was a lot more than 8 screws last time I took the casing off, or at least it seemed like a lot more. Its really difficult to take apart and put back together. Laptops aren't my specialty and its my only other computer so I'm just hesistant
It was a lot more than 8 screws last time I took the casing off, or at least it seemed like a lot more. Its really difficult to take apart and put back together. Laptops aren't my specialty and its my only other computer so I'm just hesistant

your just taking the bottom of, that's it not the whole case, if you can't even do that, then take it to the repair shop and get them to re-solder / fix the issue.
Its 14 screws to take the bottom off, and i can do it, im just hesistant. And im a poor teenager so i cant pay the obnoxious fees theyd charge for doing something like this haha.