Success story for AX850?


Nov 29, 2009
I bought an ax850 when they were on sale on the egg a few days ago, and just sent it back today because of excessive coil whine. Is the new PSU newegg sends me going to have the same issue, or are their ax850s out there that operate silently?

I need to know if I should be looking for a different PSU.
I'm not sure, I've been hearing a lot about it and it's making me wary of going to an AX series PSU. I'm actually RMAing my PSU right now due to excessive coil whine so to jump into the exact same situation is not something I want to do.
It's luck of the draw. The only way to know if a PSU will produce coil whine is to try it and see what happens.
I know you guys are talking about the AX850 and I did have one at one point and it did have "coil whine." However, I recently upgraded to an AX1200 and have not heard any whine or noise coming from the PSU at all. Not sure if the AX850 I had was just bad or if they're all like that but my AX1200 runs like a silent champ.
I've bought 2 over the last 5 months...
No problems/whine at all.
I've bought 2 over the last 5 months...
No problems/whine at all.

Finally, thank you, a success story. Makes feel a little better about my purchase. It's like the saying goes, if something bad happens you tell 10 people if something good happens you tell 1 person (I'm a teacher, we have lots of dumb sayings :p).
I bought one during the same sale for a friend's build. No coil whine at all.

They're great PSU's. Seasonic is the OEM for the AX series (with the 1200 being the exception).
thats definitely true pnk, we are always more vocal when we have something to complain about. i doubt its a problem that affects every unit. there are exceptions to every rule. for every prius with break failure issues (or whatever bs toyota owners were complaining about a couple years ago) there were 10 or 20 that didnt have the issue. im not saying companies shouldnt correct their mistakes, but most of the units shipped probably work just fine.
Finally, thank you, a success story. Makes feel a little better about my purchase. It's like the saying goes, if something bad happens you tell 10 people if something good happens you tell 1 person (I'm a teacher, we have lots of dumb sayings :p).

NP, to be honest (IMO) they're the best 850 PSU in the market.
NP, to be honest (IMO) they're the best 850 PSU in the market.

Which is why I was so excited to grab one! I'm looking forward to sli/crossfirex in the future. You can Imagine how disappointed I was when I plugged it in, and it was so high pitched literally made my 7 month old son cry! It was that bad. I really hope I get a good egg on the next run.
Also just picked up the AX850 during the sale and mine has terrible whine. Contacting Corsair directly to see if I can get a cross shipped deal. Everything is beautifully wired up, took me a few hours to redo everything today and I'm not interested in going through it again, not with how cramped this case is.

Anyone else with an AX850 that doesn't have cap whine? Seems to be an extremely common issue, really hope I can land a good one.
Also just picked up the AX850 during the sale and mine has terrible whine. Contacting Corsair directly to see if I can get a cross shipped deal. Everything is beautifully wired up, took me a few hours to redo everything today and I'm not interested in going through it again, not with how cramped this case is.

Anyone else with an AX850 that doesn't have cap whine? Seems to be an extremely common issue, really hope I can land a good one.

In the last 10 months or so I have gone through 2 AX850 without coil whine. I also had two Seasonic X-850 during the same time, the AX 850 is based off the X-850 design, without coil whine. So it is the luck of the draw.
No coil whine here. I've used it to power tri-fire 6970's and SLI GTX 580's and it is totally silent.
It does really seem like a coin flip whether you get a Corsair/Seasonic unit with coil whine. My AX750 whines very loud and I have read other threads about various Corsair units doing the same. But there are also a lot of people who contribute and say their units are quiet. Really a crap shoot
I'm just curious whether these people "without whine" actually have silent units or if they simply can't hear the whine. It is a pretty high pitch frequency, my father came by the other day and out of curiosity I had him try to listen for it. He couldn't hear anything while it was piercingly clear to me.

On a related note, the AX850 also broke S3 sleep on my build -- something I never had issues with using the OCZ ModXStream 700W. It is the classic p67 sleep issue where upon waking the computer the monitors just stay blank and you have to hard reset. After putting in this Coolermaster Silent Pro Gold 1kw, that issue is gone as well. Unless the RMA'd AX850 fixes both whine and s3 issues, I think I'll hold out and pick up the new Seasonic Platinum 1k. This Coolermaster is nice but it's not fully modular and the sleeving is pretty poor, something I very much liked about the Corsair.
My Seasonic X750 is dead silent.. this is the same as an AX750. Coil whine drives me totally ape sh!t. Sorry your running into this.
You can add me to this unhappy group. I wish I'd known about this before buying. Just goes to do show, always do your research. The whine is terrible. This was my first build, and I dread trying to take it all apart again to disconnect the cables. Time to get with Newegg for an RMA I least now I know this is a common problem and not something wrong with my system in particular. Thanks, this thread.
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I just got my RMA AX850 from newegg today. I'm not sure how much whine I should put up with... I can't hear it when sitting at my desk, but I can hear it if I put my ear to the PSU... Should I RMA again and go for silent?
Lol @ putting ear to PSU. Of course you are always going to hear something from the PSU, nothing is so silent that if you put your ear to it you don't hear anything. Coil wine tends to increase as you put more load on the system. I think when most people say it is quiet, they mean they can't hear it while sitting at their desks.
Seasonic X-850 PSU is EVEN better =) Only by +2-4% efficiency though haha. Well here is something, if your gonna single-sleeve your cables get the Seasonic, the Corsair model comes with a mix of flat and sleeved cables, makes it much harder to sleeve. Also the AX850 is based off the Seasonic X-850, so naturally the Seasonic version would be superior IMO.
Sent mine off today, now waiting for the replacement. Believe me, I'd be perfectly satisfied if I couldn't hear anything while sitting in my chair, but the first unit was awful. A loud, continuous buzzing squeal.
Both of my AX1200s are perfect! Even after spilling water all over the inside of one.
I actually like the flat modular cables,they are great for routing behind the motherboard.

The AX850 has the same cables & is fully modular with considerably better sleeving ;)
no coil whine with my ax850 however i am not useing it anymore since i went to mini itx system again. so its just sitting in closet

I've had my AX850 since they were released, perfectly silent, not sure how old that makes mine, but a lot older than a lot of them in this thread :)

Best PSU I've ever owned, although maybe not as good of "value" as the HX520 when that came out for how long that has lasted me.
hmmmm...I was about to order a AX750 but I might go with something different. i dont want to have to rma yet another part. Just got through rmaing my video card and mobo.
yea unfortunately my Newegg rma has whine as well. Not quite as bad but its definitely still audible enough to be thoroughly annoying, especially at night when its a lot more quiet in the house.
Got an AX 650 and an older HX 1000 and previously had a TX 950. None of them have had coil whine. OTOH my asus GTX 460 whines as soon as it is put under load
yea unfortunately my Newegg rma has whine as well. Not quite as bad but its definitely still audible enough to be thoroughly annoying, especially at night when its a lot more quiet in the house.

That seriously sucks...I'm still waiting on my replacement. What will you do now, try again?
yea unfortunately my Newegg rma has whine as well. Not quite as bad but its definitely still audible enough to be thoroughly annoying, especially at night when its a lot more quiet in the house.

I RMA'd through newegg the first time through. My second now has a feint whine that isn't audible when sitting at my desk, so I'm going to deal with it. I seems that people are having more luck RMAing through corsair instead of newegg. I suggest that route this time around. You'll also only have to send back the PSU itself and leave your cables routed.
OT, but you ran trifire off a 850? Any oc at all, or stock?
I run a 2600k at 4.8ghz, dual 6970s at 1ghz, and an elaborate water cooling system off of a 650w Seasonic unit. These things are incredible when it comes to power delivery. I pulled almost 800w using another system before it finally cut off, I'd imagine the 850w unit is of the same caliber.
I RMA'd through newegg the first time through. My second now has a feint whine that isn't audible when sitting at my desk, so I'm going to deal with it. I seems that people are having more luck RMAing through corsair instead of newegg. I suggest that route this time around. You'll also only have to send back the PSU itself and leave your cables routed.

Aye, I'm gonna give Newegg one more shot while I'm still within my 30 day window and after that it's off to Corsair. I'm too anal about these types of noises to just deal with it :(
My AX850 is the best PSU I have ever had. No coil whine or any other problems at all.