Sudden Background Static?


Limp Gawd
Feb 19, 2008
So today out of the blue (possibly after playing BC2) a sudden static began in my headphones and has not since stopped.

My setup...

Steel P180
2x640 WD Black RAID0
ENERMAX 720 Modular

with a XFI Xtrememusic card connected to...

Sony DG510 Receiver
Klipsch .5 Bookshelves
Klipsch KSW10 Sub
Sennheiser 595

connected by RCA to Digital I/O 'Flexijack'

I've been using this setup with nothing changed in awhile until this static began. I tried using normal headphones in the XFI speaker port and it still gets static so it has got to do with something in the PC and not my receiver. Getting static from the onboard mobo audio also.

Tried updating drivers with no luck... Any thoughts?


- moved sub further away from case, nothing
- opened up the case to check for anything foreign around the card but it is completely clear of anything else


i switched from my normal Speakers (Creative XFI) to SPDIF Out (Creative XFI) and it seemed to stop the static for awhile and now both modes are giving the static.
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Have you rebooted yet?

My X-Fi Fatal1ty has given me static once or twice in the years I've owned it, the last time was a few days ago and I thought I had somehow blown the mid-tweeter (or whatever) in my right speaker. I finally rebooted and the noise went away. Last thing I had done was switch Dolby Digital Live off and played a game through analog.

Kinda weird if you're also getting it from onboard sound so I guess you've rebooted if you tried onboard as well.