Sudden Reboots. Any ideas are appreciated!


Sep 20, 2005
Hi, I'm having problems with the system in my sig. Can't seem to figure out exactly what's causing it. Maybe someone here can point me in the right direction.


Sudden Stop errors/reboots and lockups when trying to start XP. Strange thing is that it does not happen all the time, only about 1/4 of the times I try to start up.

It seems to happen more often if there a disks in both burners.

Booting in safe mode always works regardless of disks.

I don't think I installed any new drivers recently and system restore didn't solve it.

Temps are all normal.

Memtest and prime95 report no errors.

I'm a little stumped. Only thing I can think of is that it is a power issue. Maybe too much draw when both burners spin up? Power supply is a year old 480w (20 pin) Enermax. But then I would expect more problems. Windows seems to run fine once I'm past the xp logo.

Any ideas are appreciated!
I was getting that from a corrupt XP install last year. Could be the same thing???

Try this, boot with only the C drive in the system, and slowly add back one device at a time. Maybe one of them is causing the issue.

And if you think it might be a certain part, try that part in a different system to see wha happens.
Thanks, I'll try that. I hate it when you can't figure out if it's a hardware or software problem. Maybe I'll try a fresh install and see what happens.