Suggest some good LAN party games for April...


Supreme [H]ardness
May 31, 2003
I'm thinking HL2 for the DM and CS, and maybe Tribes Vengeance, "the easy Tribes." Any other suggestions? I wish BF2 hadn't slipped! I'd like to do some Natural Selection, but I don't know if it'd be too hard to ramp-up players who have never played it before. We tried Tribes2 at one LAN, and despite its "awesomeness" people just had a hard time getting ramped up with all the stuff that you usually dont have to worry about in an FPS. I didn't put this in the LAN Parties forum because I'm not talking scheduling, etc I'm just looking for good game recommendations.

FYI, many of these guys are typically non-gamers, at least they don't game on a regular basis and this is pretty much the only LAN party they ever attend (we've done a few for them). They are business clients so simplicity is important.
Serious Sam or Serious Sam: The Second Encounter.
UT2k4 (many gameplay modes, variety of maps)
Games such as CoD and CS:S that don't place a lot of emphasis on trick shots and jumping would probably be your best bet.
UT2K4 for sure... Red Orchestra mod for flavor.

Serious Sam co-op with knife only for ninja factor.

Farcry is also very fun as well.

Any version of tribes is probably a bad idea for those unfamilar with it due to the learning curve.
We have played lots of Serious Sam and BF1942/DC in the past, and they have been big hits. Our last one was UT04 and BFV+mods like POE and the 1942 mod and it was a hit. UT04 not so much, though it was enjoyed. We wanted to try something else, but we could go with those again and have a great time.
Yeah he bf series is very easy to "pickup and play". Would stick with that if I were you. Maybe some hl2 tdm.
How about some Joint Operations: Typhoon rising with the Escalation expansion pack? Have had a lot of fun with that one at LANs. Has good coop, and can also run an Advance and Secure (AAS) if you want some competitive teams.
Unreal Tournament Series
Joint Ops

and you're set :)
demos are always good because they are easy to setup. The last LAN I went to we playedsome Painkiller Demo and it was fun. We also played Joint Ops and COD: that was fun.
I hope your LAN buddies aren't the serious cheapskates that mine are. To play UT2K4, I ended up buying everyone a copy for Xmas for our Xmas-break LAN party. Other than UT2K4, we played old CS, Enemy Territory ('cause its free), and I think that's it. The LAN party before that we played the Halo demo, UT2K4 demo, old CS, ET and SS2E.
man, i seriously wish i had friends who all had gaming quality comps and were into gaming. too bad, i only know one person near me who can lan. :(

oh and i think lan centers are rips
wfalcon said:
How about some Joint Operations: Typhoon rising with the Escalation expansion pack? Have had a lot of fun with that one at LANs. Has good coop, and can also run an Advance and Secure (AAS) if you want some competitive teams.

Very fun Co-op Game.
CS:S or BF1942. I played BF a lot at quakecon last year, it's quite fun over the lan and playing with friends. Never liked playing it on the internet though.,
What's with all the FPS? Mix it up with some C&C Generals and Age of Mythology! If you have a server Freelancer would be great too.
I always enjoy a good network game of Starcraft, but maybe the learning curve is too steep for casual LANning.
Othersider said:
What's with all the FPS? Mix it up with some C&C Generals and Age of Mythology! If you have a server Freelancer would be great too.

It actually works really well if you just run the server from your own computer if you are playing..
second BF/DC, and I would also suggest Aliens vs. Predator 2, bargin bin now but if you have more than 6 people it can be incredibly fun.

Some Warcraft 3: Frozen Throne, playing the Azure Towers Scenerio is great if you have even numbers of people (<=8 people).
BF2 slipped!!! TILL JUNE OMG.... you just ruined my day. Anyways Tribes V. is nice I like it. My lanners started picking it up after the last party. There is always BF42/DC/Stargate. We seem never to be succesful with War 3, it seems to be better for small groups.
ZeroMaxx said:
BF2 slipped!!! TILL JUNE OMG.... you just ruined my day. Anyways Tribes V. is nice I like it. My lanners started picking it up after the last party. There is always BF42/DC/Stargate. We seem never to be succesful with War 3, it seems to be better for small groups.

Have you tried the Azure Towers scenerio? It's completely different from the normal Warcraft 3 game. But it takes some time to complete (~2 hours), with no time for breaks (okay maybe you can pause).
If you have at least 6-10 people, I would suggest Enemy-Territory. For one, it is free, so even non-gamers can easily get it (and without having to play pass the cd).
obs said:
If you have at least 6-10 people, I would suggest Enemy-Territory. For one, it is free, so even non-gamers can easily get it (and without having to play pass the cd).

Thanks for the reminder I had forgotten about that. Actually last time we had a turn-out of 43 I believe. This time, we assume more as it gets more known within the company and its clients.
Othersider said:
What's with all the FPS? Mix it up with some C&C Generals and Age of Mythology! If you have a server Freelancer would be great too.

Because very low latency enhances FPS gameplay :p
wfalcon said:
How about some Joint Operations: Typhoon rising with the Escalation expansion pack? Have had a lot of fun with that one at LANs. Has good coop, and can also run an Advance and Secure (AAS) if you want some competitive teams.

The game also has the most trashed porgraming ever you get like 30fps on a high end rig.
But I agree that it is a very fun game it would be even better is NovaLogic got their things together and porgram their engine better then what it is.
OldPueblo said:
Thanks for the reminder I had forgotten about that. Actually last time we had a turn-out of 43 I believe. This time, we assume more as it gets more known within the company and its clients.
That would be great then. ET scales really well with a large amount of people.
AlexStenka said:
The game also has the most trashed porgraming ever you get like 30fps on a high end rig.
But I agree that it is a very fun game it would be even better is NovaLogic got their things together and porgram their engine better then what it is.

Hmm...I'll be honest with you, I haven't checked to see how many fps I'm getting. Is there something built in, or did you use FRAPS to determine it? Anyway, it's been playable at any LAN I've been at. The only thing I found annoying was the helicopter physics. Making it easy to fly is one thing, but having the bird come to a screetching halt when I let go of the forward key is ridiculous. Oh yeah...and I hate not being able to map the Ctrl key. I guess the coop was one of the big selling points with me. I'm always pissed when devs don't take the time to think about the coop community. Coops are great for people who don't have similar skill levels. Folks who aren't FPS gurus can kill the enemy and contribute without feeling that they are having their butt handed to them on a platter like in a DM.
joethemole said:
man, i seriously wish i had friends who all had gaming quality comps and were into gaming. too bad, i only know one person near me who can lan. :(

oh and i think lan centers are rips

As long as your friends have-or can borrow- some kind of rig for some gaming there are really fun low end games you can play and have a blast. Such as Rainbow6(still amazing), Unreal Tournament, Age of Empires, C&C, and stuff like CS 1.6/TFC. I know for a fact you could play all those on like a 700MHZ processor with a vid card, or maybe even a intergrated card. Though probally not on the greatest res'es in the world.
..Though you can not do anything about the not being into gaming part tho.

Fun Games now..
UT2K4 & the red orch and deathball mods
Rise of Nations
Battlefield V/1942 with desert combat and BATTLEFIELD PIRATES ARRRG!
Shadow Warrior

*edit* the game is so old that I forgot what its called, had to fix the title, LOL :D
Here's a fun game for you: the new Soldier of Fortune game. The multiplayer is similar to COunterstrike, but it's a lot of fun, plus it could be a good alternative to some of the bugs with CS:S, for a LAN anyway
Othersider said:
If you have a server Freelancer would be great too.

You can make your own servers, they don't take much in the way of resources. But it gets boring really quickly.
I second the notion for some enemy territory. However, if you guys like Team Fortress classic but want some updated graphics and playability, I suggest the free Enemy Territory Fortress mod. If you have a whole bunch of players it will be great, as there are plenty of classes for people to choose.