Suggestions for a good 1TB External (Firewire)

There's no best when it comes to pre-made external drives.

For the best performance and longevity, I always recommend rollin' 'yur own.
*bonks Hippie* At least recommend some enclosures then, man. Inquiring minds would like to know, which include me.
This one's pretty nice and Cool Gear has decent quality. I have 4 other enclosures from them.

This one's got about all the same features but a little more expensive.

Add a nice geen WD drive and you're good to go!
OWC ( is pretty popular in Mac circles for their FW800 drives. They're pricy (although less so if you buy one with a drive pre-installed), but very high quality, and I'm told good service. If you want maximum performance (i.e. FW800) they're probably worth it, but if you're just looking for FW400, there may be other less pricey options.
Yeah, well, since nobody is going to get 800MB/s out of anything short of a SAS RAID5, I think we can skip the FW800 for FW400. IIRC, you can chain 400 devices after 800 without affecting the 800's, but feel free to correct me if that's wrong. I've done very little with Firewire.