suggestions needed: Keyboard/mouse gaming


Limp Gawd
Feb 7, 2008
when sitting on my couch:)

Any good ideas on what to sit the keyboard/mouse on or how best to do this? I normally sit a desk so looking for some thoughts.

Are you gonna just use the mouse on your leg or couch or whatever? Or do you still want something for gaming.

I like my Logitech mk550. Haven't had any issues with it and you can go pretty far away. I switch over to a Deathadder when I put a game on though.
I don't know what they're called, but there are these lap pillows with a flat easel-like surface on top and foam on the bottom, that are meant for taking notes and drawing on your lap while sitting down. Those make pretty decent mouse pads (the soft base makes it easier to keep the pad level, even when the couch beneath it is deforming due to you sitting down next to it).
I used a shelf board for mouse+keyboard htpc gaming sitting in a lazyboy lol