Summer Games Done Quick 2014


[H]F Junkie
Apr 7, 2003

It has begun! If you enjoy watching games speedrun then this is your bi-yearly Mecca. It runs from June 22nd to June 28th so 6 days of 24/7 speedrunning. All donations go to Doctors without Borders which is a very worthy charity. SDA is also running a Humble Bundle :

It includes : Amnesia: A Machine for Pigs, Gunpoint, Noitu Love 2 Devolution, Bleed, Electronic Super Joy, Guacamelee! Gold Edition, Psychonauts, Dustforce, The Basement Collection and Giana Sisters: Twisted Dreams - Rise of the Owlverlord. For $25 you get all those games (some amazing games , LOVE Guacamelee especially).

Schedule : Also the schedule is updated constantly. Due to unforeseen circumstances runs can be switched or canceled due to runners being unable to be fit into the very tight schedule. The schedule also automatically corrects for the time zone you are in regardless of where you are so times are accurate to you locally.

I watch these every year and they are getting bigger and bigger. Awesome Games Done Quick raised over $1 Million dollars during Jan of this year for Cancer research. Its also a really fleshed out schedule this year , so many beloved games.

Now if you don't "get" speedrunning that's fine , just watch what interests you on the schedule and see those favorite games get destroyed by someone who's a lot better at them then you ever were :D
I have watched every AGDQ and SGDQ since they started, I will be watching this intently. Thanks for the heads up.
Lol@humble bundle. All the games are locked under 25$

Really? ALL the proceeds from the $25 Humble Bundle go to Doctors without Borders so Humble Bundle doesn't get a dime in profit and nor do the developers of those games. Considering you could donate $25 straight through the marathon and get nothing but personal satisfaction instead you can get a ton of great games AND donate to this charity. Is $25 too high an asking price for both charity and those games?

:rolleyes: Complaining about the cost of a charity donation , well done.
It still goes against the idea of the "pay what you want" that Humble Bundle is (was?) known for.

Not saying it's not for a good cause, but it's hard to dispute that Humble Bundle is not what it used to be.
It still goes against the idea of the "pay what you want" that Humble Bundle is (was?) known for.

Not saying it's not for a good cause, but it's hard to dispute that Humble Bundle is not what it used to be.

Probably had something to do with people only paying like 5 bucks for a bundle worth 5 times that. You can't run a business like that.
Probably had something to do with people only paying like 5 bucks for a bundle worth 5 times that. You can't run a business like that.

Well, what I am seeing is that as of right now just over 1100 bundles have been sold on this $25 one. Yesterday it was around 800 or so.

Past Humble Bundles seemed to sell in the tens or hundreds of thousands. So I guess what it comes down to is the "Steam sale" philosophy, where you can sell 100 copies of a game at $25 or 100,000 copies at $5.

In this case, 100% of the money goes to charity, so why not try to maximize the total income? I don't think forcing a $25 price tag is going to do that.
That bundle isn't worth $25, imo. $10 would be closer.

Sigh.. since people seem to think this bundle is a bad deal I did the math since you all obviously don't want to (or are too lazy to).

Amnesia Machine for pigs : $8.99 (Steam Sale)

Bleed : $1.99

Dustforce : $4.99 (Steam sale)

Electronic Super Joy : $3.99 (Steam Sale -50 percent off)

Giana Sisters : Rise of the Owlverlord : $2.49 (Steam sale)

Guacamelee Gold Edition : $5.99 (Steam Sale -60 percent off)

Gunpoint : $4.99 (Steam sale -50 percent off)

Noitu Love 2 : Devotion : $1.99 (Steam Sale -60 percent off)

Psychonauts : $3.39 (Steam Sale -66 percent off)

The Basement Collection : $3.99 (no Steam sale)

This equals $42.80. ALL those games basically were on sale because of the big yearly Summer Steam Sale. Without the Steam sale?

Amnesia : A Machine For Pigs $19.99

Bleed : $4.99

Dustforce $9.99

Electronic Super Joy : $7.99

Giana Sisters : Rise of the Owlverlord $4.99

Guacamelee Gold Edition : $14.99

Gunpoint : $9.99

Noitu Love 2 : Devolution : $4.99

Psychonauts : $9.99

The Basement Collection : $3.99 price unchanged

So without the big Steam sale the cost would be : $81.91

So please someone else , again , tell me how this package is overpriced :rolleyes:

It seems obvious that even if Humble Bundle has changed the way it does things it still offers the absolute best bang for the buck even during a summer Steam sale on these games. Add to the fact that all the profits from this bundle go straight to charity and its a win-win. If you personally think the games are not good enough then don't buy them. The whole point was that you could get some games you might enjoy and donate to a charity at the same time , not the cost.
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So please someone else , again , tell me how this package is overpriced :rolleyes:

The fact that the sales for this bundle are grossly underperforming by orders of magnitude in relation to just about every other Humble Bundle in existence tells me it's overpriced. Since I posted about 4 hours ago, only 100 more bundles (or less) have sold...if this was $5 I bet that number would be more like 5,000+.

It doesn't matter what the games are going for, it's what people are willing to pay for them. If you only want a couple of these games, you are not going to pay $25 unless you REALLY want to donate to charity. For a $5 Humble Bundle, I will for sure throw down the money even if I just want a couple of the games in the bundle...hell, possibly even for one game, and then I just crank the charity percentage up.

I don't know why you are taking this so personally. No one is saying donating to charity is a bad thing, but if they really wanted to make a ton of money for charity I think they could have been a lot smarter about the price.
The last Agdq was my first one and I was very much looking forward to this. I even threw in $100 during the push to a million last time. Awesome to watch and it's for a great cause, it's a win win.
The fact that the sales for this bundle are grossly underperforming by orders of magnitude in relation to just about every other Humble Bundle in existence tells me it's overpriced. Since I posted about 4 hours ago, only 100 more bundles (or less) have sold...if this was $5 I bet that number would be more like 5,000+.

It doesn't matter what the games are going for, it's what people are willing to pay for them. If you only want a couple of these games, you are not going to pay $25 unless you REALLY want to donate to charity. For a $5 Humble Bundle, I will for sure throw down the money even if I just want a couple of the games in the bundle...hell, possibly even for one game, and then I just crank the charity percentage up.

I don't know why you are taking this so personally. No one is saying donating to charity is a bad thing, but if they really wanted to make a ton of money for charity I think they could have been a lot smarter about the price.

Saying something will sell better simply because you lower the price is not an absolute. Its $25 because its $42.80 worth of games (at current sale prices). Perhaps in this circumstance its less about the folly of Humble Bundle and the way it prices packages now and more to do with maximizing the charity donations. SGDQ just announced on their stream that with donations directly and the Humble Bundle sales they have gone over $100,000 in donations in their second day of streaming. Perhaps in terms of other Humble Bundles its not selling as well but considering 100 percent of its profits go to charity I don't think that really matters to them. Humble Bundle isn't concerned with maximizing its sales on this bundle.

This Bundle isn't meant to be the best kind of possible deal for gamers , its purposefully inflated so that the charity involved reaps the benefit.

I'm not taking it "personally" I'm just baffled at the comments about its cost. I've proved that if you bought each game separately you would pay nearly double if not over triple if there wasn't a sale going on. Whatever Humble Bundle is doing "wrong" in their normal pricing structure I couldn't care less about. Frankly I don't ever buy these Bundles but this one actually supports a deserving charity so I did.

This thread was originally intended to talk about SGDQ starting and the games surrounding it , I thought I would add in the link to the Humble Bundle that they are offering that also goes right to the charity. Clearly there is some negativity towards Humble Bundle and its pricing structure..

The derailment of this thread is over. Please let's move on to the actual topic.

Anyone watching Brokenarthritis's Sonic Unleashed Jump? That game is insanely fast.
Alright. No, missed Sonic I guess but they are playing Mega Man now so I will check that out for awhile.
I watched sonic unleashed. Crazy fast.

All these guys are amazing players. Love this event.
Sigh.. since people seem to think this bundle is a bad deal I did the math since you all obviously don't want to (or are too lazy to).

This equals $42.80. ALL those games basically were on sale because of the big yearly Summer Steam Sale. Without the Steam sale?

So without the big Steam sale the cost would be : $81.91

So please someone else , again , tell me how this package is overpriced :rolleyes:

It seems obvious that even if Humble Bundle has changed the way it does things it still offers the absolute best bang for the buck even during a summer Steam sale on these games. Add to the fact that all the profits from this bundle go straight to charity and its a win-win. If you personally think the games are not good enough then don't buy them. The whole point was that you could get some games you might enjoy and donate to a charity at the same time , not the cost.

Most of those games suck though including Machine For Pigs.
i always have to wait till they put them on youtube to watch them. my internet sucks to bad to stream them live.
When Agdq was on last I left the stream open for a day and ended up downloading 34gb. I was quite surprised. I have to say that i like the list of games better from Agdq however anything that is on when I start watching instantly draws me in.
I noticed my local TigerDirect store was streaming the AGDQ event on some of their product displays back in January. They're also now streaming the SGDQ. One of the sales people even had it going on one of the big televisions. I wonder if this is now a regular thing for them.
These speed runners are some of the nerdiest motherfuckers I've ever seen, lol.
These speed runners are some of the nerdiest motherfuckers I've ever seen, lol.
It's funny you mention that, because I was thinking the exact same thing while watching the Mega Man block before going to sleep last night :D. Maybe it's something about speedrunning, but my friends and other people I've known personally who are just normal gamers all looked "normal."
I'm really getting into this...watching far too much speed running and not doing enough work. :p
These speed runners are some of the nerdiest motherfuckers I've ever seen, lol.

It's so true. Cosmo is legendary at Zelda, but such a nerd, and he can nerd rage so hard too lol. Some like Trihex are actually quite normal and at time I think he gets embarrassed by some of the more nerdier things they do.
Yeah, I mean these guys are amazing at what they do but...damn...I wonder how often they get out of the basement. :p

I'm pretty damn geeky but I'm nothing compared to these guys.
Anybody see super meatboy yesterday? The dude kept screwing up and blaming the computer lol

Also, they forgot to sign out of steam :rolleyes:
If you watched the full thing it was a driver conflict that they fixed an hour after he started. He wasnt making it up. The trolls would have you believe otherwise. I felt so bad for the guy. He kept his cool though so mad props to him.
Nerds trying to do the Chicken Dance...*facepalm* :D

Also, the live comments are just as nerdy if not moreso than the actual runners...a girl talks and it's "OMG KAWAII WIAFU GRILL ^____________^"
It's so true. Cosmo is legendary at Zelda, but such a nerd, and he can nerd rage so hard too lol. Some like Trihex are actually quite normal and at time I think he gets embarrassed by some of the more nerdier things they do.

I've watched enough of Trihex's stream , he's easily just as big of a nerd as the rest. No one there that's speed running ISN'T a gigantic nerd. But that's the point , speed running isn't for anyone but total nerds and that's why its awesome.

Only a nerd would have the infinite patience to actually count paused buffered frames for skips.
Nerdy is in now a days.
I remember when I was ashemed to tell people I play video games.
Now its the "IT" thing to do....

The more nerdy the cooler !!!..

I watched that live , it was absolutely terrible. That Chib guy or whatever his name is was annoying as fuck but the runner had the personality of stale bread. I remember at AGDQ in Jan there was a guy who got kicked out for sexual harassment and he was an actual speed runner. His speed run was awful and his comments were "Dudebro" in every way.

There is always new people who attend the event each year and they can't vet everyone since they are a total non-profit. SGDQ 2013 had 80 people and Spike commented that there was more than 300 this time around. SGDQ is more mellow than AGDQ where the big money is generated.
Ehh....not these guys. They are a whole 'nother level of nerdy. :p

Yea Speedrunning attracts a totally different category of nerd. Think of the patience required to play the same game day in and day out for sometimes months if not years.. while competing on leaderboards against everyone trying to break each other's records.

That goes above and beyond just passionate interest.
Yea Speedrunning attracts a totally different category of nerd. Think of the patience required to play the same game day in and day out for sometimes months if not years.. while competing on leaderboards against everyone trying to break each other's records.

That goes above and beyond just passionate interest.

i tried the speed run a turbografx game called neutopia. I spent a few months on it but i couldn't continue to play it every day but I had a lot notes and maps and what not. i eventually lost interest and got bored with it. It was like having a second job almost.

the skills (or muscle memory) that these players have though is pretty amazing. I mean, guys can gun Ninja Gaiden without killing any enemies except the bosses....that those games are hard as hell as it is.