Supermicro X7DCA-L - 92C - Not actually overheating?


Jun 7, 2012
Hi I have this issue on all X7DCA-L motherboards, install two X5460's 3.16Ghz... Posts... after memory test, long continuous beep.

CPU #1 is only active in BIOS, so CPU #2 is cold. CPU #1 is not hot, it's clear it's working but not hot the heatsink is tight with new paste. I'm sure it's actually at like 35C or so.

Although the BIOS Reports CPU 1/2 at 92C when that's obviously false.

It doesn't do it on X5450's though so is it the board can't handle the X5460 and possibly X5470? What could cause the incorrect temp reading on X5460's specifically?

Doesn't do it on X5450's but just as the X5460s the Hardware Monitor option in bios freezes... I wish I knew why?

Ram is 100% clear cpu's are in good shape they work great. The x5460s are too great shape zero issues. Is the board I got just shot?

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