Supreme Commander - Player Rollcall


Apr 12, 2005
The number of players in GPGNet is continually thinning. Post up if you still play SupCom and are looking to get some [H] games going.

And post up a quick description of your gameplay level and type of play, to help with matching skills

Moderate skill (5/10) and I'm a camper and tech-builder.
are we talking about the first or second?

I play pretty much the same as I did back in total annihlation sit back and see how big I can make my base. most of the time It just ends up in building long range cannons
4saken, that's just cruel

It's the middle of the day, and I'm sure most people are at work or classes.
Hey, I'm in. I go by the handle heelix. Same here - not a pro, but can usually put up a fair chance of beating off adaptive AI.

PM if you are looking for a comp stomp.
And one more post, just to make sure this thread sends me notifications.
I had friends over periodically for a few months last year for SupCom, but the game is too buggy with the memory leak. I downloaded a hack to help mitigate it, but haven't tried it yet; we moved on to LoL.

SupCom games are only good comp stomps when you have 2 people tops and you end the game in less than 40 mins real time. The game timer slows down to a crawl because SupCom remembers the pathing for all units every created and doesn't dump it from memory. The memory leak doesn't benefit from more RAM or fast SSDs either.
Don't know what to say. For the most part my brother and I do 4 AI (one on our side) 250 unit cap without problem, with games lasting 40-70 minutes.

Vette5885 - want to give it a try?
You talking regular supcom or Forged Alliance? I got into FA after playing Supcom2 and I really like FA. Haven't played online though because none of my friends play and games can take to long, especially since I prefer playing annhilation.

If anyone knows of a fix for the memory leak/game slow down that would be awesome. It seems like FA doesn't have the problem as bad as regular supcom but it does have it still. I remember on a campaign mission I had to let the game run overnight because the game came to a crawl and took a couple hours to move my units accross the map and loading a save game didn't help.
i need to reinstall the games but i only play supcom:FA

dario theres a shit ton of mods if you go online and look at the vault. theres also different game modes people play and i'll tell you right now online game play is about half the length of a player vs AI. in multiplier it's all about racing to experimental units.
Ah. Not sure if I've ever played the vanilla SupCom on-line. Just played FA co-op. Same for the game style. Only way to find out is to try a game!
I had friends over periodically for a few months last year for SupCom, but the game is too buggy with the memory leak. I downloaded a hack to help mitigate it, but haven't tried it yet; we moved on to LoL.

SupCom games are only good comp stomps when you have 2 people tops and you end the game in less than 40 mins real time. The game timer slows down to a crawl because SupCom remembers the pathing for all units every created and doesn't dump it from memory. The memory leak doesn't benefit from more RAM or fast SSDs either.

stop playing supcom vanilla then, duh ;). the memory leak isn't as bad in supcom:FA. problem is the game time slows down due to people having single core a dual core rigs that cant load or render all the objects on the screen. minimum i'd say to play supcom:FA with a 4-8 player online game is a 3.6Ghz phenom II x4/3.6Ghz C2Q 9400/9450. for some reason the 3.6Ghz is the key though, its the same way with the i7's, a stock i7 920 sucks balls in the game but at 3.6Ghz or higher it runs perfectly fine. most of us that have screwed around with it online are guessing that the game probably isn't a true multi-core game. that while it shows all 4+ cores being loaded up, the majority of the data load is on core 0 which is why the clock speeds seem to be so important.
stop playing supcom vanilla then, duh ;). the memory leak isn't as bad in supcom:FA. problem is the game time slows down due to people having single core a dual core rigs that cant load or render all the objects on the screen. minimum i'd say to play supcom:FA with a 4-8 player online game is a 3.6Ghz phenom II x4/3.6Ghz C2Q 9400/9450. for some reason the 3.6Ghz is the key though, its the same way with the i7's, a stock i7 920 sucks balls in the game but at 3.6Ghz or higher it runs perfectly fine. most of us that have screwed around with it online are guessing that the game probably isn't a true multi-core game. that while it shows all 4+ cores being loaded up, the majority of the data load is on core 0 which is why the clock speeds seem to be so important.

Get core maximizer and it'll prevent the game from hogging a single core - clockspeeds won't be as critical if you have enough cores. It didn't help much with my dual core, but I've since moved up to a quad core at the same clockspeed and core maximizer makes it run significantly faster.
I had friends over periodically for a few months last year for SupCom, but the game is too buggy with the memory leak. I downloaded a hack to help mitigate it, but haven't tried it yet; we moved on to LoL.

SupCom games are only good comp stomps when you have 2 people tops and you end the game in less than 40 mins real time. The game timer slows down to a crawl because SupCom remembers the pathing for all units every created and doesn't dump it from memory. The memory leak doesn't benefit from more RAM or fast SSDs either.

Forged Alliance (FA) is alot better for this.

I still routinely play FA with a mate of mine against 2 sorian AIs and if you set the game up right the slow down won't be anywhere near as bad even for 2 hour + games.

Here's some tips;

► Use the latest Sorian AI
► Get the latest 3603 FA beta patch (prevents online play apparently, but I only play games directly with a hosted game, and just give my IP to my mates).
► Don't play any map larger than 10 x 10 if you're going for a long game.
► Play against 2 AIs max unless it's a land only map (open palms can be fully filled and it'll run fine).
► Disable support commanders (seems to make a significant difference in long games).
► Don't disable Air units as this confuses the Sorian AI and also slows the game down due to increased land units.
► If you REALLY wanna keep the game speed up (good for 3+ human players) limit the game to tech 2 only (makes a massive difference).
► Download these 3rd party quality custom 10x10 maps I've just uploaded.
► Ping is king for long games. If you've got a friend who lives halfway across the country and is on a different ISP, this can totally kill a game. I get around 60 ping from my friend and we can play good 3 hour games with minimal slowdown (relatively speaking, still around half speed right near the end).
stop playing supcom vanilla then, duh ;). the memory leak isn't as bad in supcom:FA. problem is the game time slows down due to people having single core a dual core rigs that cant load or render all the objects on the screen.

quit ASSuming. I'm talking about SupcomFA. My comps that I run it on are my i5 and Phenom II. The FPS is NOT the problem. FA is bugged.

You haven't played it enough to notice apparently.

spine nailed it though; the Sorien AI is what I was talking about. Thanks for the other tips spine!
quit ASSuming. I'm talking about SupcomFA. My comps that I run it on are my i5 and Phenom II. The FPS is NOT the problem. FA is bugged.

You haven't played it enough to notice apparently.

spine nailed it though; the Sorien AI is what I was talking about. Thanks for the other tips spine!

lol jeez so butt hurt from some sarcasm..

yes and no on the FA being bugged. yes it uses a lot of memory and no it doesn't have the out of control memory leak like the supcom vanilla. but the slow down in game doesn't effect your frame rate, it just slows the simulation time down. i forget what the console command is to show the sim time but you can use it to figure out where the slow down point is. i think the lowest i've ever gotten my sim time down to was -1 and that was playing survival map with over 10k object's on the screen. but in normal games i usually dont go any lower then +5. the worst though is when some one with a dual core processor in the game, you can pretty much tell when an experimental unit is built since the person with the dual core's sim time will drop like a rock.

in all honestly i wish THQ would of just re-released supcom with the supcom 2 engine then it would of been friggin heaven, and i definitely would of payed full price again for it.

btw i have over 1700 hours in supcom vanilla and FA, i definitely think i've played it enough.

sorian AI is nice, only problem is it breaks multiplier if 1 person joins without the sorianAI installed since it modifies some of the core game files :(