Surge Protector hozed my mobo?

Nov 22, 2000
Anyone ever seen a surge protector go bad and fry mobo components?

One of my machines had its network ports cooked off. It has taken a while to figure this out, because it is quite unbelievable. The culpert was the surge protector. It allowed a surge through (or caused a surge itself?!?) and the surge found ground via the cat5 cables, cooking the ports along the way.

The odd part is that the manufacturer's support guys say the surge protector tests as OK... ?!? No new mobo for me... :(

I have another machine plugged into the same wall socket and it is fine. An old NIC solved the sudden need for connectivity. Everything else in the box works fine.

Wierd. Look for a post with pics of a flaming surge protector soon.
To be more correct it's possible a surge hit your port and did damage, the surge protector failed to protect.

What make?