Survey: Who plays games with an LCD and has no ghosting?

Jul 5, 2004
If you have NO ghosting when playing games on an LCD monitor...

1. What LCD do you have?

2. What games do you play?

3. Do you have vertical sync enabled?

4. What video card do you use?

5. What res do you run at and if so is it the native res of the LCD?

This should give us all on this forum good info about what LCDs are hot and what are not. Thanks

1. Samsung 710T

2. UT, NBA Live 2004, Madden 2004, GTR and Porsche Unleashed

3. No

4.Radeon 9700Pro

5. 1280x1024, yes it is the native res.
1 HP L2335
2 Far Cry, CS, Prince of Persia, Homeworld 2
3 no
4 Radeon 9800Pro 128mb
5 1920x1200 (native) if the game allows, or 1600x1200 non stretched.
1> HP L2335
2> FarCry, UT2K4, SC:pD, DC, BF:V
3> No (as a general rule)
4> Asus 9800XT
5> From 1280x960 (scaled to aspect), to 1920x1200 (native)

Ghosting is a product of the LCD... not frame rate... but whatever. :D
I can 2nd that the 710T has no ghosting but a terrible problem with motion blur
canislupy said:
Ghosting is a product of the LCD... not frame rate... but whatever. :D

You got my there. That was actually a guess. I figured that if high fps games cause ghosting because the high frame rate nature of the game that vertical sync would make a difference in terms of ghosting because vertical sync caps the frame rate to reduce image tearing. Why do you guys have vertical sync off? A human eye can't see above 60fps anyway. Maybe I'm missing something.

FearTheMike said:
If you have NO ghosting when playing games on an LCD monitor...

1. What LCD do you have?
2. What games do you play?
3. Do you have vertical sync enabled?
4. What video card do you use?
5. What res do you run at and if so is it the native res of the LCD?

This should give us all on this forum good info about what LCDs are hot and what are not. Thanks


1. BenQ FP2091 (20" 16ms)
2. Painkiller, Far Cry, UT2K4, Warcraft3 + expansion, Battlefield:Vietnam
3. Yes always
4. Radeon 9800Pro
5. 1280x1024 for the shooters (where's my XT??!?) 1600x1200 for anything else.
vinny77 said:
I can 2nd that the 710T has no ghosting but a terrible problem with motion blur

Ahh I forgot about motion blur. Since I'm not an LCD user yet please refresh my memory on motion blur vs. ghosting because the only thing I think of when I hear motion blur is the filter in Photoshop. Thanks

lol ok


is when lets say you play a game and you move your gun and you see a trail of the gun in the opposite direction in which you are moving. Kinda when you move glow sticks at night time, you can see the trail.

Motion Blue

Is when you are running such as in counter strike and Ut2k4 and as you run threw the maps the walls and there textures tend to blur, you will notice it. It is not ghosting and really doesnt effect gameplay but its still there and is very annoying to me

also on the 710T, there are cut off images, there are when if you jump off of a cliff or a ramp in am game like Ut2k4 you will see the image just give up and have a line cut right in the middle of it, and you might get a few of these depending on how far the fall is. It is not that bad on this monitor but its still there

The 12ms Mcds arent all they are cracked up to be. I still recoomend a high end CRT for another year or 2
1. Samsung 192N 19"
2. UT2K, Wolf ET, Planetside, Halo. I need to pick up Painkiller and FarCry (see below)
4.GF4 Ti4600
5.I run most games at 1024x768 with 2xAA and 2xAF just to keep speeds up. Everything looks good, but with the interpolation, it's just not quite crisp enough. I have a 6800GT on order and when I get that, I'm moving everything up to 12x10 (native) and whatever AA and AF I can run fast enough.

I kinda wished i would have got somethign with a DVI connector, but none of the Samsungs with the low response have a DVI connector... yet. I dont think it should be an issue since I never run anythign over the native res. But I do think that if I went any higher, I'd be maxing out my analog connection.
Whar are you taklking there 2 12ms top of the line monitors the 710T and 172X both have DVI
1. Dell 2001fp
2. Serious Sam SE, WC3, MOA, BF:Vietnam
3. Vsync off
4. ATi FireGL x1
5. 1600x1200x32bit, 1600x1200 native for 2001fp

(I use high quality settings, didn't fiddle with anything else though, just the basic options only)
1: 2000FP
2: UT2K4, Planetside,
3: VSync Off
4: 9800Pro (DVI, alt DVI mode enabled in display properties to avoid strange effects)
5: 16x12 or 8x6 (depending on framerate)

I've never noticed any ghosting, and I love this screen!
FearTheMike said:
Why do you guys have vertical sync off? A human eye can't see above 60fps anyway.

Well its possible, but that's not always true. It goes back to the fast eyes vs. slow eyes argument. You might well notice the difference above 60fps. You won't think "hey, this seems faster" but it can appear to have smoother motion.

But you do have a point with the v-sync being off. No LCD available has the response time to render 60 complete frames without some degree of frames blending into each other, which would make the response time the limiting factor. Yes, even with 16ms displays. Remember, 16ms is a range of values and some color transitions could take serveral times longer. Rated ms is not an exact science either, with differences between manufacturers standards for testing and measuring. An LCD won't be able to guarantee 60 individual frames per second unless it has a response time more like 4 - 6ms (to cover the extreme cases where midtone pixels take 50ms or more to change over on a 16ms screen). You would need that since midtones could end up taking more than 12 - 16 ms to change state on a 4ms screen. Anything below that, and some pixels will not have had enough time to change over and will remain in the previous frame's state for some amount of time into the next frame(s). That is what causes ghosting and motion blur, and why some people will see it even with 12ms rated displays. If the 12ms was uniform for every possible color change, this wouldn't be the case.

And hopefully you'll be one of the lucky ones with slower eyes who won't notice a thing!
1. What LCD do you have?
Dell 2000fp (and formerly dual 2001FP)

2. What games do you play?
Desert Combat, UT2004, Far Cry, Q3A, CS, BF: Vietnam

3. Do you have vertical sync enabled?

4. What video card do you use?
ATI Radeon 9800XT (until Tuesday), then an eVGA GeForce 6800GT

5. What res do you run at and if so is it the native res of the LCD?
1600x1200, Native.

Personal remark: the color is better on the 2000fp than it was on the 2001fp. if I could get the 2000fp's panel in the 2001's chassis, I think it'd be the perfect LCD. No ghosting, no screendoor, good color.
1. Samsung 193p

2. Battlefield 1942, FarCry, Painkiller and Need For Speed Underground

3. I do not have vertical sync enabled. ? [red]why is this important[/red]

4. Radeon 9800 Pro

5. 1280x1024

Samsung 193p exibits less ghosting while playing games through analog connection than digital. In my opinion 193p ghosts little and in fact i do not see much difference between this LCD and which is rated at 20ms and other faster LCDs rated 12ms such as 710t and 172x. In my opinion this is the best LCD on the market. I've tested few lcds and no other LCD offers such unique blend of style, game performance and image quality as 193p.
The concept of no Vsync to me is atrocious. I can see the tearing frightfully well; and I think it would look a little bit like ghosting. If I had the extra cash and time to care, I'd pick up the 710T and find out for myself. But come on guys, enable vsync. The hit is a few fps at most, and it's worth it.
IdiotInCharge said:
The concept of no Vsync to me is atrocious. I can see the tearing frightfully well; and I think it would look a little bit like ghosting. If I had the extra cash and time to care, I'd pick up the 710T and find out for myself. But come on guys, enable vsync. The hit is a few fps at most, and it's worth it.
I agree with this guy, least with this LCD. Samsung 152T. Do not notice ghosting in any game, have vsync enabled, and use my native resolution of 1024x768.
1. Proview BM-568 (it's old and 15" if that's the symbol for inch - blasted imperial measurements :D)
2 . CS, DOD, UT2k4, BF1942, WC3, Championship Manager 03/04, played Halo a few times on it.
3. Depends how old the game is and whether my gfx card can cope. Normally off.
4. All-in-Wonder ATi Radeon 7200 (w00t)
5. 1024 x 768 (native)
I've never had ghosting or at least not noticed it, so it might be there, but my old monitor before this was a 14 inch CRT from 1998, so I wouldn't know, but I'm pretty sure I don't get it
Thanks for the replying everyone. I'm leaning twards the Dell 2001dp right now but there are some things I need to make sure of first.
FearTheMike said:
If you have NO ghosting when playing games on an LCD monitor...

1. What LCD do you have?

2. What games do you play?

3. Do you have vertical sync enabled?

4. What video card do you use?

5. What res do you run at and if so is it the native res of the LCD?

This should give us all on this forum good info about what LCDs are hot and what are not. Thanks


1. Samsung 213T

2. All sorts...FPSs, RPGs, RTSs, etc.

3. Vertical Sync is always disabled.

4. Radeon 9800 Pro/GeForce 6800 GT

5. 1600x1200, native res, using DVI.
1. Samsung 710T

2. UT2k4, BF:V, FarCry, Desert Combat, Warcraft III

3. Only in FarCry

4. Asus 9800Pro OCed to XT at 440/770

5. 1280x1024 (native) using DVI
FearTheMike said:
If you have NO ghosting when playing games on an LCD monitor...
1. What LCD do you have?
2. What games do you play?
3. Do you have vertical sync enabled?
4. What video card do you use?
5. What res do you run at and if so is it the native res of the LCD?
This should give us all on this forum good info about what LCDs are hot and what are not. Thanks


1. SDM-HX73/B
2. FarCry, UT2004, Call of Duty, WarCraft
3. No
4. Radeon 9800Pro
5. 1280 x 1024 Native Resolution
i would say that i can see some ghosting on my monitor, but not enough to stop me from playing games on it (when i first got it i still played games on my crt, then i switched to gaming on the lcd)

1. Samsung 173s

2. DoD mostly, some CS. i used to play BF alot before i got the lcd (but didnt stop because of the lcd, lol)

3. Yes

4. Sapphire Radeon 9700

5. 1280x1024 (native)

i love this monitor, i could buy another but my parents would fucking kill me if i told them i wanted to spend another $380 (and they wouldnt understand my wanting to replace the crt i have, as opposed to adding a monitor which i did before)
1. What LCD do you have?

2 x Samsung 191T

2. What games do you play?

Just about everything worth playing. UT2004, Hitman2+3, commandos 2+3, FFXI, DAoC, Painkiller, Farcry, Thief:DS

3. Do you have vertical sync enabled?

Usually not, unless I notice tearing.

4. What video card do you use?

9700pro, 9700pro AIW, 6800GT recently

5. What res do you run at and if so is it the native res of the LCD?

1280x1024, is native

I noticed a bit of ghosting when i first started using these panels, and was still playing counterstike now and then. After a couple weeks, I didn't notice anymore. Admittedly, I've not been playing much competitive FPS anymore. UT2004 doesn't really qualify, least not when all I play is onslaught, lol.

Even with the odd bit of ghosting here and there, the panels are worth every penny because I don't go to bed with eye strain and a splitting headache anymore. Back when i had CRTs at work and home, with rarely them being the same type at the same refresh, I had frequent eye strain issues.
FearTheMike said:
If you have NO ghosting when playing games on an LCD monitor...

1. What LCD do you have?

Viewsonic VX900

2. What games do you play?

not much, just some CS/TFC

3. Do you have vertical sync enabled?

set to "application preference"

4. What video card do you use?

Radeon 9700

5. What res do you run at and if so is it the native res of the LCD?

1280x1024, yep, native res

This should give us all on this forum good info about what LCDs are hot and what are not. Thanks


I've never seen ghosting while playing HL and it's mods. I do have ghosting on yahoo pool of all things!

Overall, I'm 100% satisfied with this monitor and it's gaming ability
1. Viewsonic VP171b

2. CS, Generals, UT03-04,halo, other fps

3. vertical sync is disabled

4. ATI R9500 Pro

5. 11280x1024 native.

16ms responce time i might add :D
1. Compaq R3000T notebook display
2. UT2004, HL/CS/TFC, RtCW, Postal 2, Tribes, Tribes 2, lots of emulators :D
3. App default
4. ATI Mobility 9600
5. 1680x1050 if game supports widescreen, 1400x1050 if not, yes native res.