
my favorite kind of survey: short, sweet, and to the point.

survey taken and bump for actually doing school work since I never did.
Took it but my last answer was iffy, since it varies greatly. Some weeks I don't at all, and some weeks a lot.
Filled it out, but remember, voluntary response samples are not valid statistics.
Filled out good luck with this.
Also is there any chance you could post your results when you're done I'm interesting in seeing the results.

I can see where you are trying to go with this survey, I'm very interested in seeing how it comes out. Though the survey is very vague and doesn't allow any real insight into a person and why they answered what they did. So in the long run any answers you get are not in any way valid if this were being done for anything outside of school.

I can see where you are trying to go with this survey, I'm very interested in seeing how it comes out. Though the survey is very vague and doesn't allow any real insight into a person and why they answered what they did. So in the long run any answers you get are not in any way valid if this were being done for anything outside of school.

Oh definitely. The sample size that I need is pretty small as well so yea for like an in depth research study it wouldn't work. This survey doesn't take in other factors such as poverty or demographics or anything. I would love to do that but my teacher said its too complicated for this simple project. I mean the most I could probably get out of this is maybe a correlation.

Thanks guys my survey count sky rocketed from you guys ! I'll be sure to show you what I got from this when I analyze and graph it out.
My answers will prolly go against what you were hoping for. I strongly disagreed with the last two.

If an innocent's life is at stake, I have no issue with torture being used to get needed info to prevent a tragedy.

If someone has forced me into a position where I need to use a weapon to defend myself, I am going to insure that there is only one side of the story told, my side.
I appreciated the non-judgmental survey. OP, I hope that you get far with it in your studies.

Obviously correlating hours played of violent video games vs various moral choices. Remember that correlation doesn't always equal causation.
You should have also asked how many times a week someone whacks off and correlate that to the amount of hours they play violent videogames.
I totally get mad and frustrated when stuff doesn't go my way. I haven't seen so much shit broken since ridiculous day down at the deli, when prices were so low it was ridiculous.

20+ hours a week. Is that a lot?