Suse 9.3 Questions


Jul 24, 2000
I haven't installed it yet. Have some simple Q's. For now I just want to know if I will be able to read/write to my NTFS sata drive in 9.3. If not, I have about 100GB to backup tonight. :p
You cannot write safely to NTFS using SUSE 9.3.

And... it is VERY difficult to transform SUSE 9.3 to do so.
k, on a dual-boot system, would it be preferable to format in FAT32 or use the linux file system?
For the partitions that linux will reside on, use a native linux file system. I prefer ReiserFS myself. If you're dual booting with M$ then it's up to you...NTFS is superior to FAT32 by quite a bit, so I typically use NTFS for windows and then create a small FAT32 partition that is shared between the two. (since FAT32 is the only real "common file system" between linux and windows...old/obscure ones set aside)
Supposedly, some of the ext2 drivers for windows are quite ok, and support read/write. It's a better FS than fat32, so it's worth a try.
hmm...suse won't mount my sata drive. says to make sure it's inserted correctly.

question: I'm using an IDE drive with one of those sata converter things. could I just plug it into an ide port or would it be inaccessible?
okay, this is exactly what I get:

Couldn't mount device.
The reported error was:
mount: Can't find /dev/sda1 in /etc/fstab or /etc/mtab i can mount it, and traverse the folders but when I try to copy data I get the message "Could not read /mnt/Files/Shared_Data/Music/(hed) planet earth/Borke/Bartender.mp3"

I can't ready anything. I even tried remounting it. I used
mount -t ntfs /dev/sda1 /mnt/Files

Then I did
chown -R yoblad Files

what am I doing wrong?
okay, I figured out how to transfer files. only root can do it. for some reason only root is given access to my windows drive. This is simple but I don't know how to do it. It'll be a PITA to have to copy a playlist over while su and then chown it so I can actually play it. This sucks. All I need to do is read the the drive. Perhaps my -R when I did a chown didn't do it for some reason?
I have had issues with trying to chown a mount point as well. I managed to get around it, but I dont remember how.
IIRC, I was messing with the options in fstab to get it to work, I would start googling for fstab howtos
well, it's possible I used an incomplete entry in fstab.

I did
/dev/sda1    /mnt/Files    ntfs

now I entered
/dev/sda1      /mnt/Files     ntfs     auto, ro, users

anyone know how to restart kde (or maybe x?) without restarting the whole system? Everytime I change res I have to reboot which is a pain because sometimes it gets stuck on "applying bridge limits" during boot and I have to ctrl-alt-delete before it'll work. Can't do that right now because I'm remotely connected.

thanks a bunch
if I have to restart x a bunch I normally change the system to default runlevel 3 in /etc/inittab.
Then you just login at CLI and startx. Whenever you muck with stuff all you have to do is end your session and you'll be kicked back to the CLI. Just startx again and away you go.

edit: if it's just a short time period of mucking around, you can get the same effect by kicking it to runlevel 3 for that period by running "telinit 3 " as root. then you can do the 'startx' / end session thing until it's how you like. (I think this post is the most poorly worded explanation I've ever given.) :eek:
this is what I get after a reboot with the changed fstab entry:

"Could not mount device

The reported error was:

[mntent]: line 11 in /etc/fstab is bad

mount: can't find /dev/sda1 in /etc/fstab or /etc/mtab"
Yoblad said:
anyone know how to restart kde (or maybe x?) without restarting the whole system? Everytime I change res I have to reboot which is a pain because sometimes it gets stuck on "applying bridge limits" during boot and I have to ctrl-alt-delete before it'll work. Can't do that right now because I'm remotely connected.

thanks a bunch

I just press control+alt+backspace. On most linux systems, this will kill the X server, which, in most setups, will either automatically restart X, or let you type "startx" on the command line with the same result.
The problem with fstab was that I didn't enter the options part right. I had spaces after the commas. I basically just copied the one that mounts for my windows partition on the main disk.

I did ctrl-alt-bkspc after reading some info on x and that does kill it, however, I lose my remote connectection and can't restart it. The machine had to be rebooted by my neighbor LOL.

Thanks Ron. :eek: :eek: