SW: Battlefront -- Can't decide on platform


Limp Gawd
Apr 2, 2002
Being the huge star wars fan that I am, coupled with the fact that I'm also a BF1942 fan, I'll be buying star wars: battlefront when it comes out. The dilema I'm having is deciding which platform to get if for: pc or xbox. As much as I'd like to buy both copies I can only afford one. (*Grumbles about textbook prices and tuition*) Keep in mind that while I do have broadband I don't have or plan on getting xbox live. Anyone else facing this dilema?
Umm this is the biggest "DUH" i've ever seen.

PC version will rape any of the console versions, Both visually and control wise. Plus PC its up to 32 players online were Xbox and PS2 is only 16. PC also has voice communication as well
I am going the PC version.

However, has any had a chance to play the PS2 Demo that came out with a magazine the other day? I am very interested to hear about the gameplay and comparisons to anything currently out there.

I'd buy the magazine and demo disc myself, but I'm too cheap to shell out $10 for a magazine :D
I was sort of leaning towards the PC version for the reasons you guys have mentioned. The main factor in not having made a final decision is the portability the xbox version would have over the PC, at least for me. Also, I remember reading somewhere that the game will be cross-platform compatible for the PC and PS2. (Not xbox due to xbox live) Anyone know whether or not all versions will be compatible as far as LANing?
Mtt83 said:
I was sort of leaning towards the PC version for the reasons you guys have mentioned. The main factor in not having made a final decision is the portability the xbox version would have over the PC, at least for me. Also, I remember reading somewhere that the game will be cross-platform compatible for the PC and PS2. (Not xbox due to xbox live) Anyone know whether or not all versions will be compatible as far as LANing?

No, you cannot connect PC, XBOX and PS2 together as a LAN. The servers for each will also be seperate so PC players cannot play with XBOX or PS2 online either.
yeah i would get it for pc.... casue withour xbox live, theres no point in buyin it for xbox
I agree with all the above, but the only reason that really matters to me is that while there might be mods made for the PC version, I can almost guarantee that there will not be any for a console version.
Mods = more for your money.
ninethreeeleven said:
I agree with all the above, but the only reason that really matters to me is that while there might be mods made for the PC version, I can guarantee that there will not be any for a console version.
Mods = more for your money.

not true, there r halo mods, for xbox
yes please.

EDIT: Okay I stand corrected, but you need a modded XBOX (so the PS2 is out of the question for modded games) Halo Mods has a section of mods for the XBOX. I cant find (read: dont care) too much info on how to get the data on the harddrive or how it plays, but basically there are mods for console games but you need....
1. a modded xbox
2. time (when did HALO come out, 2 years ago?)
3. a computer, because you will want to experience better graphics after you play it.