Swedish ISP Blocks TPB Following Injunction

HardOCP News

[H] News
Dec 31, 1969
Sweden’s Court of Appeals has ruled that one ISP must block access to TPB but it seems the internet service provider might have taken the ruling too far.

“We have chosen to block traffic into and out of the IP addresses that are using the Pirate Bay,” said Black Internet’s Victor Möller. “We made a decision on our assessment that this was the only way to live up to the Court of Appeal’s decision.”
Thats terrible, there are legitimate torrents being shared on that website, plenty of them, and if you share one of those completely legal and legitimate torrents you will be banned from your isp?

I didnt read the article thoroughly but that was the gist I got from it, am I wrong?
That's right, just keep spending those tax dollars on protecting an antiquated business. Kill an industry that provides a real benefit (internet) in favor of an industry that we can live without (commercial entertainment).
it was down on friday, then it was back up the next day.

the lulz just keep rolling in