Swiftech MCX-159 Chipset Fan whine


Limp Gawd
Oct 23, 2003
I just picked one of these up because the NB fan on my IS7 died. Its huge in comparison to the stock fan, like 4 times the amount of metal and weight easy. The fan makes a really annoying whine once in awhile, I can hear it over the PS fans which i thought would be the loudest. I am thinking of just removing it and using it passive, I don't OC much and wonder if I could have problems?

Or maybe I should just replace it, it kind of bothers me that I cannot monitor the RPM's of it (fan has no lead for it.)

Thoughts, suggestions, or input?
I would dump the fan completely, passive cool should do it since its larger than stock.
As long as U got good case cooling U are good to go bud...have fun.
cooling it passively may not be a very good idea. i875 gets pretty hot once in a while. :) i'd exchange the heatsink - sounds like the sleaves (i think it's a sleave bearing fan - not a ball bearing) in the fan are going out.
I'm passivly cooling mine at 240fsb and its only a bit warm to the touch. I was using the fan, but it looks better without :)
yea that cooler is more than good enough to use passively, i mean look how dinky the asus nb cooler is, and that still works perfectly fine passively, even when overclocking.