Swiftech Stealth


Limp Gawd
Apr 3, 2007
Well its old news now, cuz the forums have been down. But just in case anyone missed it, Swiftech is officially selling them now. The price is pretty steep, so I think I'll probably just stick with a MCW60 and Dtek Uni-Sink, which has a lot of pros of its own.

Ah, but TN should just love this!

More copper/aluminum mating from Swiftech.:eek:
Doesn't cool the VRMs...

The VRM's dont need watercooling. Yes they get hot, but are perfectly fine running hot.

For the price of this I would much rather have an EK block. Can't say I like the looks of this either.
The VR's do need cooling! When you take the stock cooling setup off you lose the ability to cool them off with the GPU fan. Unless you add in a directed fan you have problems as many on this forum have reported. Thus the need and manufacturer's responding with full cover blocks.

Nice of Aqua Computer to pioneer the full cover aluminum blocks that everyone seems to be copying. :p

I understand what you are saying about voltage regulators being okay running hot as they have their own integral heat sink usually soldered down to the circuit board for layout reasons. But you do know that they make heat sinks for mosfets as they do benefit from radiation of heat, however if you don't have good air circulation your screwed on that route.
Do you actually know what the safe operating temperature for typical VREGs is? IIRC most of them are safe upwards of 100C.
I have opened up some of my ham equipment before (power supplies and amps) and the power mosfets all have heat sinks on them. I fairly positive that my equipment doesn't run in the 100C range. Maybe it's for the electromigration ;)
The extra sinks that come with the block are more than enough to keep everything cool , no need for any sort of extra fan.........;) That is unless you don't know how to setup a case for proper air flow...............:D
Vregs do not need cooling, nor does any other component on the board besides the GPU itself.

I got lazy on my office comp and only WC'ed the 8800GTX with a extra MCW60 I had lying around. The card is effectively naked except for the WC'ed GPU. I can game, fold without any artifacts, crashing, BSOD's, you name it. Nvidia has stated that all of their components on that card are rated to hit 100C without any damage to the card itself.

This is all in a case that has 2 case fans, neither of which blow directly onto the 8800's ram, i/o chip, or vregs themselves.