Swiftech Storm rev.2


Limp Gawd
Aug 8, 2005
Has anyone heard anything about a new version of the Storm coming out? Stowm rev.2? I know i was reading a thread (i thought it was on [H], but it may have been somewhere else) and i thought there was suppose to be more information about it this week. And no, i'm not talking about the Apogee, but an actual update of the Storm.
Well, for the life of me, i can't find where i was reading about this. But i'm almost positive it was a Swiftech block, as i think there was mention of there being an update on the swifty site due in the next couple of days.
I didn't know gabe posted on the forums there.

Gabe said:
The improvement has to do with internal flow path, and is the result of a suggestion Stew made to me a few months ago. Pressure drop values should be incrementally improved. Overall behavior and flow characteristics of the product remain very similar.
I just called Swiftech and the Rev2 will be shipping in 2 weeks from now. Now I need to buy another waterblock and use it for 2 weeks :(
Do you think this will be of limited supply? Should I jump on it even though I won't be water cooling until the end of the summer (End of July/August)?
Well looks like very minor changes in comparison to the original storm...as far as I can remember of how my storm look..the rev2's changes are not even noticeable.
Ah capitalism at its finest....two pieces of plastic for $53... you know, you can always look at the picture rev2 patterns and then with a drill, make the little mods on your Rev1 version...then take that $53, and buy yourself a bus ticket to swiftech....(same effect)....
Well the majority of the cost in the storm is probably in the machining of those two plates, especially the jets. Also, swiftech only has a limited number of spares, so they are probably not very concerned about making the price of the upgrade kit competitive.
How well would this block work with an Eheim pump and a Tank-O-Matic?
If you are referring to cost, they are getting very hard to come by the way it is. I doubt most e-tailers would cut the cost knowing how popular they are.