System bottlenecking 560 Ti


Feb 23, 2011
I just bought an EVGA 560 Ti FPB and apparently my anemic system is holding it back. My current specs are:

AMD Athlon 64 x2 2.8GHz (it's a BE but doesn't overclock well)
ASUS M3N78-EM AM2+ Micro ATX motherboard (it accepts AM3 chips as well)
8GB G.Skill 1066 DDR2 RAM (only runs at 800 limited by the motherboard)
BFG 550 Watt power supply

Most every game I put to this system is fully playable. So far the only thing that really brings it to it's knees is Metro 2033. I'm sure BF3 and Skyrim will be unplayable on this rig at the proper good looking settings. My plan had been to wait until the fall and possibly build a rig with an AMD chip if the new ones turned out any good. But today I got an e-mail with this combo:

The one reason I had been avoiding Intel was the expense but this looks like a pretty decent set of components. So what say you Hardforum Wisdom Council? Go for the Intel combo setup and move the 560 Ti to it or wait and see what AMD brings to the table?
If it is playing the games you want it to play right now, might as well wait for Bulldozer. Not that it is expected to beat out Intel's offerings, but it could potentially drop prices a bit. BF3 and Skyrim aren't out for another 5-6 months, no harm in waiting a bit unless you've really got the itch.