System giving me fits


Limp Gawd
Jan 17, 2005
First, the system:

Opty 146 @3.0G (316x9.5, x10 doesn't work), 1.525v, tested to 3030
DFI RDX-200, FSB tested to 325
Sapphire X1800xl @ 670/670
OCZ VX RAM @ 230, tested to 260,

I can do anything with this system... I can do superpi all day, or OCCT, or Memtest86+, or Prime95, or Battlefield 2, but I can't play HalfLife 2, FarCry or CounterStrike Source. All three give me lockups, with about half a second of looping audio and one frame every 10-20 seconds or so. I don't understand how this is possible with all the subsystem testing I've done.

Any ideas?
reinstall drivers and try reinstalling games and make sure your overclock is stable on your video card.
Does it do the same thing (lock/stutter) if you run with less of an overclock? It isn't clear from your post. If you've done a bunch of experimenting in overclocking (and crashing) and haven't reinstalled windows, you might want to do that.
@Taqueso: Dropping the FSB to 250 and the mem divider to 133 used to help CSS, now it doesn't. Doing the above and running my GPU at stock resulted in a crash just as quickly as any of the other configurations.

@Marcus: The video card is stable in BF2 and Full Spectrum Warrior, which are both DX9.0c games as well. I'll try reinstalling drivers, but I don't hold out much hope.
haelduksf said:
@Taqueso: Dropping the FSB to 250 and the mem divider to 133 used to help CSS, now it doesn't. Doing the above and running my GPU at stock resulted in a crash just as quickly as any of the other configurations.

Reinstall drivers and games at least, you should just reinstall everything. Something has gotten corrupted. You are saying that if you drop back to basically no overclock, it still crashes, right?
Yep, but only those two games (counting everything with the Source engine as one game). Everything else works fine.
Well colour me suprised...I loaded up the new omega drivers and both games seem to work properly now.

Thank you both.