System protection/freeze.


Jan 28, 2002
Hey guys, this is not in the Operating system section because I want it from the prospective of a network admin and network considerations.

I'm looking at system protection/freezing applications. I have checked the free steady state and now I'm looking at deepfreeze. Some of the same problems that I see or had with steady state I'm think I'm finding with deepfreeze.

Updates have to be scheduled, at least with deepfreeze it can be locked out but that means that the computers will have to be running and unusable while this happens, in a school environment it might not be that easy to do this as people look for free times to use the labs.

I've just started going through the UI pictures, I'm going to see if I can some white papers and what not but I'm not liking it much so far.

What do you guys like?
I use deepfreeze and maintain multiple computer labs with it. No problems with deepfreeze for me.:)
Is this a school like k-12 environment? How do you do you update scheduling?

This is the only thing worrying me as it seems when the labs aren't in use the machines are off and I'm not so keen on remote wakeup, sometimes it works sometimes it doesn't. I did see that deep freeze its self can trigger updates like windows updates and hopefully live update so I wouldn't have to worry about it matching up precisely. I'm reading (not to quickly however) through the installation Docs right now.
Is this a school like k-12 environment? How do you do you update scheduling?

This is the only thing worrying me as it seems when the labs aren't in use the machines are off and I'm not so keen on remote wakeup, sometimes it works sometimes it doesn't. I did see that deep freeze its self can trigger updates like windows updates and hopefully live update so I wouldn't have to worry about it matching up precisely. I'm reading (not to quickly however) through the installation Docs right now.

It's a college. I set deepfreeze to "thaw" M-F to do Antivirus updates at 3 or 4 in the morning. I do windows updates manually..For now.