T-Mobile Now Supports iPhone

I've heard a lot of T-Mobile, but it's all jokes about how /bad/ their coverage is. Like it's the size of a New York Subway token or something. Not thread-crapping, but trying to verify this (or disprove it). FTR: I live in a tiny town in NC. ATT has better coverage than Sprint and Verizon is just crap around here.
I find T-mobile coverage to be very good where I am at......plus free roaming and nationwide plan = never having to do without service unless there is no GSM network available.

Edit: unless you got a magical iphone that operates on T-mobile 3G all you are going to get is EDGE anyways....
Its a shame that it'll be AT&T support very soon. Right back where it started from.
What does the iphone have to do with laptops? This belongs in the cellphone or apple subs.
My city is covered with T-Mobile and Cellular South towers. And T-Mobile has Faux-G here. So typically, T-Mo beats everyone here. It really does depend on where you live. The answer for coverage is NOT universal.
I had an iPhone 2G on T-Mobile here in Tampa for a while. It wasn't a bad gig, and was perfectly fine for texting (which is something I admit to Apple doing far better than any other phone I've used). But, if you're the data type that uses your phone for browing the internet and what-not, it's horridly slow in comparison to 3G.

Also consider that T-Mobile is going to charge you nearly the same amount to run an iPhone 4 in 2G mode as AT&T will in 3G. Okay, so maybe it'll be about $30 cheaper, but at $90 a month, you might as well get a Samsung Galaxy-S and get real 3G speeds, which on T-Mobile are actually pretty fast.