Tagan Says [H] Reviews are Paid For.....

Tagan's quality has been dropping gradually like everything has in this fucking industry. Would you like to see my stack of bad P5N-E ASUS motherboards? Or the HUGE box of bad sticks of Corsair Dominator memory?
With Tagan living in a glass house, they have no buisness throwing stones.

All one has to do is look at their Turbojet series, which appear to be utter crap, and those are their high end models.


"As mentioned, our friends at Planet3Dnow.de have one and their Tagan TG1100-U95 burned when they tried to pull more than 768 W @ 25º C on the +12 V lines." It was tested with a chroma 8000.

Make a good product, get a good review.

Just very unprofessional on their part.
That's not a good attitude, IMO, but yeah things are getting much worse.

I used to only buy PCPC psu's for years and years and my last system ended up with a tagan 900W high end unit which sh*t a brick after 8 months of use... The same system also had an ASUS board in it go really flaky, with ASUS nowhere to be found for an RMA.

Apparently ASUS forwards RMA requests to /dev/null, and tagan wasn't exactly expedient in replacing the PSU either, only 3 weeks without a PSU... So of course I had to just order another PSU.

I'm really tired of the "good" companies getting good and then cheaping up and releasing crap after they got a good name.

Makes me want to just buy a dell with a 4 year next business day warranty and then it's their problem, and they've always done an awesome job with warranty service in comparison to these OEM jokers.
Makes me want to just buy a dell with a 4 year next business day warranty and then it's their problem, and they've always done an awesome job with warranty service in comparison to these OEM jokers.

As much as I like to rag on Dell, the business warranty kicked ass when I had to use it. Having to RMA something back to the manufacturer really takes the joy out of PC building. That's why I try to stick with businesses with US offices.
While I respect Tagan's right to respond to bad reviews (and welcome/encourage it), I found it suprising that they didn't respond to the scientific DATA produced by [H]. At least claim that the testing equipment was bad or something....
But to claim the reviewer was paid off? WTF mate?
So if I release a mouse pad made from a cutting board, and pay Kyle $19 449.99 CAD, I can get a Gold Award?:rolleyes:
Since I have seen this brought up in the thread it should be noted that there were actually two seperate units that I received that had the same problems.
Hah...like I'll ever buy a Tagan PSU now.

2nd that.

[H] has been, atleast in my eyes, one of the most reputable sites that I check for reviews. They seem to be pretty damn fair, and to imply that the site takes bribes to get good reviews is idiotic.
I like how someone on there cited a bunch of other reviews saying the power supply was good as evidence that the [H] review was BS... compelled me to register to respond :/

None of the other reviews actually stressed the unit, especially not to the point where [H] noticed problems with it. I'd hardly call that a good review of the power supply :rolleyes:
Not everyone is qualified to review PSU's. Sadly there are the"We overclocked our <insert baddass CPU> and our <insert baddass video card> with 10 case fans and the suprise, it turned on and worked reviews" are out there, and un-informed or inexperienced people believe them.

The PSU companies that are legit, would do themselves and the industry a favor by not acknowledging Billy's Mom's Basement produced PSU reviews. Only a handfull of sites test them scientifically. Off the top of my head, Silent PC Review, JohnnyGuru, [H].

Tagon is now on my list of crap not to buy, and not so much for the review on [H] as I am sure they do have other models that are what they claim, but instead for the mudslining on thier forums by thier own staff. Low quality people work for low quality companies.

I did LOL at the guy that kept bringing up the Killer NIC review. Imagine that thing coming back to bit the [H] in the ass! ROFLMAO!
If I were ABS/Newegg I'd charge back Tagan for the units. If they aren't coming in at the proper ratings the consumer is getting screwed. I know that this is a problem industry wide, but hopefully the [H]'s persistence with PSU reviews will force manufacturers to put out the wattage we are paying for. It's like buying a car where the salesman states a top speed of 200 mph only to find out that it does 100 mph straightline or 200mph when falling off a cliff.
I love how the Tagan forums have people pointing out that it got better reviews from other sites. . .reading those reviews, the best "load" test was a quadcore machine with 4 hard drives and some fans. Okay, MAYBE that machine draws 500 watts at full load (probably closer to 400 watts). This is a stressful test on a 1300 watt power supply how exactly?

The bottom line is that HardOCP has a far more extensive testing methodology than the other sites and it will stress your product. If your product is not up to par, don't shoot the messenger. Grow some balls, learn from the critique of your product, revise it, and then release the new edition and get that coveted Gold award. Don't make shit up and throw baseless accusations at the messenger when your product can't hang with big boys when it comes to rigorous testing. JFC.
I think that if hardOCP got $20,000 per ad to give out good reviews that they wouldn't have had to drop certain sections of the site.
I like how someone on there cited a bunch of other reviews saying the power supply was good as evidence that the [H] review was BS... compelled me to register to respond :/

None of the other reviews actually stressed the unit, especially not to the point where [H] noticed problems with it. I'd hardly call that a good review of the power supply :rolleyes:

I signed up too. How long do you think it will take for us to get banned?:D
Wow, that response by the Tagan rep is much more damning than the review. At least they still have the 4 fanboys on the forums as solid customers.
I think this particular gem made me smile the most.


I think I recall a time when there was a particular issue with one of the previous Nvidia chipsets. If it was the 5 or 6 series I forget, but either way, I DO remember seeing an edit on the article noting that there were serious issues being brought up in regards to them, and Nvidia giving a response as well on it. The way I see it, either Kyle dropped the ball ONE fecking time, or there wasn't that big of an issue going around to warrant stating something. I don't know, but that's the way I see it. Kyle's done it once before, so I don't see why he wouldn't do it again if it's been an issue.

As far as the Killer NIC? If any of those fucks even bothered to read the article, they'd see that the Killer NIC is NOT the holy grail of network cards. Sure, it got a silver award, but it sure as hell didn't get a gold one.

In fact, he reported the opposite. Brian felt as though his non-Killer session had better target registration. So for this low-ping Counter Strike session we noted that the Killer had no impact and possibly a negative impact be it ever so slight.

Even the conclusion more or less sums up that unless you're a hardcore WoW player, you're probably not going to get anything out of this card. Personally, it's going to take more than a 20-40ms response difference to sell me on a card that expensive, as I don't play WoW, so it doesn't really affect me by not having one. Even if I did, I'd sooner upgrade everything else networking wise before I start contemplating investing in a better network card.

I'm sorry, but if you're spending more than $150 for a consumer class network card, and not say, something intended for server use, you deserve to get suckered into marketing hype, no matter who the source is. And if it works in your favor somehow, someway anyway? Kudos to you. You are one of a few who somehow can benefit from having a better network card instead of a faster connection, or playing on a server closer to you. I like the idea of having a giant blinged out K in my case, but I wouldn't pay $250 for it. It may have gotten a good review on the [H], but My onboard works just fine. If I need better ping I'd play at night. Simple as that. If this is the best argument that forum has to offer as for the quality of [H] reviews, then it's really no argument at all.

I'd also like to point out that it took them 9 days to say something since the review's posting. Nine days? And even then it's a forum posting? No statement from an exec, even a PR rep? That in itself speaks of the quality of Tagan as a company.

Even then, it came from a member, not an admin. No, they don't need to spend $20,000 to get a top award, but fixing the "1300W rated PSU that doesn't push 1300W" issue might be a good start on investing that kind of money. My alternate suggestion would be hiring staff that actually has the balls to make an official response to Kyle, instead of talking shit on their company forum and acting like the people here don't read other forums. Another great $20,000 investment? Find a marketing guy who won't refer to a loud as fuck PSU as having "Super Low Noise". Super Low Noise compared to what? A Boeing 747 takeoff? A freight train? My mother?

These guys need to quit their bitching about the HTPC commentary. It wasn't even in referral to an HTPC CASE, but an HTPC environment. In other words, don't plan on using this for a PC that will be used for HTPC functions AS WELL AS whatever in God's name you need 1300 watts of power to do! Not everyone who has a media center PC or an HTPC uses an HTPC specific case or configuration. I have a general gaming configuration of parts inside a Stacker 830. I still use this for watching DVDs over my PS2. The fact that this PSU isn't ideal for those looking for a powerful/highwattage yet quiet solution is the point that was trying to be made, as quiet is apparently not what this PSU is, but all the marketing crap tied to this box implies otherwise. Honestly I realistically don't expect any power supply pushing over 700 watts to be uber-silent. I expect noise, even if it's just a low whooshing sound from exhaust. I honestly wouldn't feel comfortable having a PSU rated that high not making any noise at all. So when I see a PSU claiming silence or quietness and it's rated for more than 700 watts, I am quite skeptical, but I'm open to the idea that it's possible. So for me, I have no idea why they're getting their panties all knotted up over a statement like that.. It's Tagan's fault for claiming that crap in the first place on the box. Don't make ridiculous claims, and you won't get called on them. Simple as that.

I was actually in the market for a higher wattage power supply than the Silverstone I'm running on. The list of companies I'll be looking into just got smaller. I'm never going to buy a Tagan unit after seeing this load of horseshit.
I signed up too. How long do you think it will take for us to get banned?:D

I would say shortly if your level of harassment is high. Speaking of which, I would not recommend doing that as you can get banned here too. Kyle doesn't take kindly to people spamming or abusing other people's forum. Well, this is what I heard, I just spit out my 2c.

As far as Tagan's response, it will come back to bite them in the ass. It could be today or tomorrow or even next week but these news tend to spread like wildfire as Kyle is well-known to be outspoken about something he disagrees.
After that review and Tagan's response I'll be staying away from their products if that's the way they handle criticism. :rolleyes:
im officially never touching a tagan product... what cock ups. they dont even read the reviews they make fun of over there... the Killer NIC was crap, boyko said as much at times IIRC, and this is just PATHETIC fanboyism over there

Im sure youd LOVE to be paid 20000 per review lmfao, keep consumer running :p
I think that if hardOCP got $20,000 per ad to give out good reviews that they wouldn't have had to drop certain sections of the site.

I don't think [H]ard will be going the paid review route. But.
Your right, [H]ard Consumer would have had more ad $$$ than they would have known what to do with. At least until everyone figured it out, and this place became a ghost town. Credibility is hard, if not impossible to win back once lost. Ask Tom, he knows. I would say ask Faud, but he never had any credibility to begin with. ;)
I would say shortly if your level of harassment is high. Speaking of which, I would not recommend doing that as you can get banned here too. Kyle doesn't take kindly to people spamming or abusing other people's forum. Well, this is what I heard, I just spit out my 2c.

As far as Tagan's response, it will come back to bite them in the ass. It could be today or tomorrow or even next week but these news tend to spread like wildfire as Kyle is well-known to be outspoken about something he disagrees.

Don't worry, I've put in my two cents (in a logical and civilized manner) and am leaving it at that.
Damn, but they shot themselves in the foot.

I guess that's another company to write off for at least a few years....
<tagan rep 1> Hey, let's disprove a review that was actually tested by posting all the reviews that we gave the tester the psu for and they just plugged it in and worked.
<tagan rep 2> But what if they call us out on that one?
<tagan rep 1> ...
<tagan rep 2> ...
<tagan rep 1> ...
<tagan rep 2> lunch?
<tagan rep 1> I'll drive.
I signed up too. How long do you think it will take for us to get banned?:D

Go out and count how many of those reviews used an actual load tester (a high-end system is NOT a load tester) and an oscilloscope to measure the ripple on each rail at each load level, then get back to me.

RB, yes you did! Thx for taking the time to do so & for saying that - saves me the effort.
Tagan? Nope, sorry, never heard of them. :)

The [H] provided logical analysis of the shortcomings of the PSU. As for Benson, logic does not play a part in his response. Kyle stated that Tagan never bothered to follow up after the review. Instead Mr. Tseng decided to hide out in the Tagan forums and bash the [H] from long range. This is an excellent way to represent your company to the general public. Attack from long range without repercussions... except its now front page news on a computer hardware site read by the very enthusiasts you are trying to target in buying your not quite 1300 watt PSU. Don't address the short comings when attacking your critics works by debasing them. Go team Tagan!
Very unprofessional. Im too cheap to ever pay 150 for a PSU in the first place but seems that comment just lost them some potential business and good "buzz" from a lot of people here.
I'm not understanding some people bagging on a review site because they gave a product a positive review and it later turned out to have some obscure bug. A review is not a product verification, there's a good chance the person doing the review is not looking to uncover errata in all possible scenarios.

Besides, a gold award only cost $10G. It's a platinum that costs 20. So far no one has bought one.
"Unprofessional" does not quite describe such behavior, it is downright childish.
I did LOL at the guy that kept bringing up the Killer NIC review. Imagine that thing coming back to bit the [H] in the ass! ROFLMAO!

I fully stand by our KillerNIC article results. That was a great article. I think some were so biased against the product to start with that they could not see it for what it was....great technology with very limited value.


But let keep this on topic please. I just wanted others that did not know about the article to have reference.
I think it's funny mainly because they don't have a leg to stand on. According to Paul Johnson, two units exhibited the same issues. It's an 1100W unit sold as a 1300W unit that can't actually provide that kind of power. If you're paying >$400 for a 1300W unit, you had better be able to pull 1300W from it.

There was nothing subjective about the review; it was tested (just like all the others), and it was found that the unit didn't perform up to par. I'm guessing Tagan is just throwing a tantrum..